JAKARTA - Entering the beginning of 2022, the Director General of Electricity Ida Nuryatin Finahari inaugurated two Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in collaboration with PLN and the Director of Electricity Development.

In her speech, Ida revealed that the government through the Grand National Energy Strategy (GSEN), is targeting the construction of 572 units of electric vehicle charging stations for the public (SPKLU) assuming a KBLBB R4 of 125 thousand units in 2021, up to 31,859 units in 2030 assuming a KBLBB R4 as much as 2.19 million units in 2030.

Today PT PLN (Persero) installed two SPKLU units with the following specifications:

1. SPKLU Delta blue color 25kWDC and 22kWAC;

2. SPKLU black Phihong 30kWDC.

Both are classified as medium charging with an estimated charging time of 4 hours, which is suitable for installation in offices with a fairly long parking time.

"Therefore, through this opportunity, we appreciate the role and contribution of PT PLN (Persero) for all its efforts and commitments in supporting the formation of the KBLBB ecosystem, one of which is support for the program to use KBLBB for the operational needs of Government services through the provision of SPKLU infrastructure at Government Offices," said Ida in her speech in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 4.

The government in this case the MEMR will also continue to evaluate and review regulations related to KBLBB in order to further accelerate the growth of KBLBB infrastructure in Indonesia. May our good intentions always be blessed by God Almighty and can make the best contribution to our beloved country of Indonesia.

"The use of KBLBB according to the target is expected to have a positive impact, namely reducing fuel consumption by 0.44 million kL in 2021 and 6.03 million kL in 2030," said Ida.

He continued, by the end of 2021, there were 219 units of EV charging stations available throughout Indonesia with a total of 1,760 KBLBB R4 units.

"Thus, there is a ratio of about 1:8 between SPKLU and KBLBB R4 which is already higher than the recommended minimum ratio of 1:10," he added.

In 2022, the Government is targeting a cumulative number of SPKLU / EV Charging Stations of 695 units to ensure the availability of SPKLU for KBLBB R4 in the future.

Previously, in order to accelerate the growth of the KBLBB ecosystem in Indonesia, as we know that the Government has issued Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle (KBLBB) Program for Road Transportation and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 13 of 2020 concerning Provision of Electric Charging Infrastructure for KBLBB, which is the momentum for the synergy of all components of the nation to build an electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.

As stated in Article 19 of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 13 of 2020, PT PLN (Persero) as a BUMN in the electricity sector has been given the first assignment in the development of electricity charging infrastructure for KBLBB, and in carrying out this assignment, PT PLN (Persero) can cooperate with the National Electricity Agency. Other Business.

Therefore, PT PLN (Persero) needs to continue to collaborate and innovate with various stakeholders in order to accelerate the implementation of KBLBB.

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