Sri Mulyani's Subordinates: Build Reputation The Sacrifice Is Extraordinary, But It Is Destroyed Instantly By Corruption
Gayus Tambunan who was caught in a corruption case some time ago (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) puts forward action, prevention, and education steps in the context of eradicating corruption in the internal body by optimizing the role of the Inspectorate General (Itjen).

Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance, Awan Nurmawan Nuh, said that his party is well aware that building reputation, credibility and public trust is a difficult task. According to him, to achieve this goal must require extraordinary time and sacrifice.

"On the other hand, this can be destroyed in a short time when there is a violation of governance, for example a corruption case," he said in a press statement, Monday, December 20.

Awan added, throughout 2021 the Inspectorate General will seek to prevent corruption through the preparation of the Integrity Framework and the Framework for the Implementation of the Internal Control System within the Ministry of Finance.

To increase the effectiveness of eradicating corruption, he continued, his party also seeks to strengthen risk management, utilize information technology to prevent corruption or fraud, and collaborate to identify root causes.

"Echelon I Units together with the Inspector General need to properly identify the root cause of each case that occurs and then take mitigation steps against the root cause so that the same case does not happen again in the future," he said.

Then, the Ministry of Finance also strengthens integrity through various means, including leadership.

“Superintendents need to practice the Tone from the Top, Walk the Talk, Know Your Employee culture in order to integrate with all Ministry of Finance officials. Superiors are role models, mentors, and at the same time controllers attached to employees," he said.

Then, Sri Mulyani's subordinate revealed that another culture that must be instilled in employees is to monitor each other and dare to speak up. The cloud encourages employees to get used to reporting indications or potential fraud that they see.

"This culture will emerge if all employees have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the Ministry of Finance as a whole," he added.

The Ministry of Finance, which has integrity and is free from corrupt practices, is claimed to be the goal of various programs launched by the IG. Especially during the pandemic when the state budget is the mainstay to save and protect the public.

"For 2022, the IG will also continue to oversee integrity by supervising the governance of technology, information and communication (ICT), Monitoring the Formulation of the Grand Design of the National Pension System, as well as carrying out development and assurance of the governance of the Ministry of Finance," concluded Awan Nurmawan Nuh.

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