JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir built a company called the Merah Putih Fund to develop the potential of start-ups or startups in Indonesia. Erick also cooperated with the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) to enter into it. The company was built in preparation for the challenges of digitalization.

"For this Red and White Fund, we will focus on Sunnycorn, a prospective Unicorn. I also hope that all the private sector will participate in this funding, because we have also invited SWF INA to enter a bigger one for Unicorns to Decacorn," he said at the Digital Generation Acceleration event, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 15.

Furthermore, Erick said that the pandemic has made the whole world face pressure from supply chain changes due to the globalization of open markets. Therefore, he said, the use of technology today is inevitable in facing the new world.

"Economic disruption that can also replace humans with robotics, jobs with others and business opportunities has also changed. Not to mention the pressure on health that can also cause us to lose big figures in an instant," he said.

Therefore, Erick emphasized the importance of Indonesia having its own ecosystem, roadmap or roadmap. Because, these various challenges encourage ecosystems to change.

"When the ecosystem changes, each country changes, that's what the President emphasized that we must have our own ecosystem, our own roadmap, of course, the world of Indonesia, not someone else's world. We have to make sure that this ecosystem wins. Otherwise our ecosystem will be eaten by other people. ," he said.

Through this Red and White Fund, continued Erick, the ecosystem is expected to become its own strength for Indonesia. Moreover, it can protect the Indonesian ecosystem.

“We will face a new world, new challenges we must face. That's why we need new superheroes, hopefully this superhero that we will encourage will become Indonesia's strength, protecting the Indonesian ecosystem," he said.

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