JAKARTA - Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) researcher Thomas Dewaranu said that restricting people's mobility could increase the potential for digital economic transactions. Harbolnas December 12 is the proof.

"Mobility restrictions are accompanied by various promos such as Harbolnas on December 12 which will potentially increase online buying and selling activities," Thomas said in a statement in Jakarta recently as reported by Antara.

He ensured that the very rapid development of digital economic activity in this era of activity restrictions must be accompanied by real efforts to support security and growth in the digital sector.

However, according to him, the presence of the internet, which targeted 43.52 percent of the population in 2019, has not provided benefits to the poor, women, the elderly, and residents in eastern Indonesia. internet access and e-commerce services, which are generally located in urban areas.

For this reason, he asked for efforts to minimize inequality in access to information and communication technology (digital divide) as well as digital capabilities between regions and between consumers in Indonesia.

So far, inequality in access to information and communication technology and digital capabilities can be an obstacle in increasing the penetration of the digital economy and creating economic opportunities for those who live in small cities and far from economic centers. "In addition to ensuring that people have access, it must also be ensured that they understand how to take advantage of digital services and the risks," said Thomas.

One of the highlights is the growth of pay later services, which should be followed by educating consumers regarding the use and understanding of the risks of this payment model. Data from Katadata Insight Center and Kredivo 2021 show that the use of pay later as a payment option is already above payment. with credit and debit cards. Thus, pay later payment service providers to have a responsibility to ensure transparency of interest and billing methods to consumers.

Thomas believes that one of the solutions for consumer protection from digital payment transactions is the approval of the Personal Protection Bill which is currently being discussed by the DPR and the government. "The legislation on the Personal Data Protection Bill must ensure that consumers receive consistent knowledge and protection for personal data and transactions, both in-person and online," said Thomas.

Previously, Google, Temasek, & Bain Co data stated that in 2021, the overall GMV of the digital economy in Indonesia will reach 70 billion US dollars and will reach 146 billion US dollars in 2025.

Target Basketball Lovers

Meanwhile, the momentum of Harbolnas 1212 color was also used by technology startups Collective. Along with hundreds of other brands, they serve different menus for Indonesian basketball lovers. This is the first time in the history of the Harbolnas event that a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) product has enlivened it.

With a campaign titled "Harbolnas" which also stands for "National Basketball Day", Collective CEO Pungkas Riandika explained that this campaign is an initiative that raises awareness of the Indonesian basketball world because so far there is no such thing as National Basketball Day.

"Continuing the launching event during the Youth Pledge last October 28, we would like to provide a limited offer for NFT collectors and Indonesian basketball lovers. Collectors (as Collectible users -ed) can enjoy the Epic Pack collection on December 12, 2021, with special prices and special surprises," said Riandika, Sunday, December 12.

Pecinta Basket juga bisa manfaatkan Harbolnas. (Foto Ist)
Basketball lovers can also take advantage of Harbolnas. (Ist Photo)

For information, IBL NFT was born to coincide with Youth Pledge Day on October 28, 2021. IBL NFT is a form of innovation from the Indonesian Basketball League (IGL) in collaboration with kolektibel.com. The product presented is a basketball moment where people can buy it on the iblindonesia.com/nft portal which is currently still in the Beta stage. If interested users can register at kolektibel.com/waitlist.

IBL NFT is actually an evolutionary form of basketball cards that were usually collected in old times. The difference is that what is collected is the moment highlights in the form of videos stored on the Vexanium blockchain network. Vexanium is a local public blockchain network that has a legal entity in Indonesia under the name Vexanium technology archipelago foundation.

In this Epic Pack, there will be a total of 4 NFTs consisting of an NFT set from IBL Final 2021 and three basic NFT sets. Collectors who can buy this NFT Epic Pack are those who already have 7 NFT collections with Common rarity which are currently still available. Later those who can buy this Epic Pack can resell it on the Kolektibel marketplace (ibl.kolektibel.com/market). Of course, with a higher price due to the scarcity of the product.

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