JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia ensured that the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision on the Job Creation Law would not have an impact on investment realization in 2021.

However, he admits, the realization target for 2022, which is set at IDR 1,200 trillion, is likely to have its own challenges due to the Constitutional Court's decision.

"The realization of investment in 2021, God willing, will not be disturbed until the fourth quarter. The problem is in 2022 after the Constitutional Court's decision," Bahlil said at an online press conference, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Bahlil also appreciates the decision issued by the Constitutional Court regarding the Job Creation Law. As a democracy, all parties must uphold all existing decisions. However, Bahlil asked all parties not to overreact to the decision because the decision was only a formal matter.

"But we also see that we should not overreact to it because the decision is only an upstream issue, only a formal one. In 2 years God willing, the government will complete it as soon as possible," he added.

Bahlil also said that President Jokowi had given directions to ministers so that the completion of the revision of the Job Creation Law as mandated by the Constitutional Court could be accelerated.

"Yesterday we had a meeting with the President, the President gave directions so that the settlement could be accelerated, maybe we can speed it up early next year, we can finish it. Pray for it," he said.

Bahlil said that the implementation of investment management as regulated in the Job Creation Law would continue. This is because there is no single article or rule that has been ratified, as well as its derivative rules, which have been cancelled.

"Everything is going, including OSS, including fiscal incentives. So nothing is pending, everything is going," he said.

Bahlil also admitted that the government will always be open to receiving questions or other matters related to the ease of doing business, speed of doing business, especially within the authority of the Ministry of Investment.

"I am sure that, God willing, in the future, Indonesia will become one of the countries with an advanced economy, if our political stability is also good. We are easy to be divided by others, we must protect our economy so that the post-pandemic recovery Indonesia can become one of the countries that have managed to organize his country for the betterment of the people," concluded Bahlil.

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