JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati opened her voice regarding the complaint from the MPR RI leadership regarding her absence from the meeting invitation to discuss the MPR budget. Through an upload on the Instagram account @smindrawati, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani admitted that there were two invitations, the first on 27 July 2021 along with the president's internal meeting which had to be attended so that the Deputy Minister represented the MPR. Second, on September 28, 2021, at the same time as the Banggar DPR meeting to discuss the 2022 State Budget, the presence of the Minister of Finance is mandatory and very important. Thus, the meeting with the MPR was decided to be postponed. "Regarding the MPR budget. As is known in 2021, Indonesia will face a surge in COVID-19 due to the Delta variant. The entire KL budget must be refocused 4 times, the goal is to help deal with COVID-19," Sri Mulyani said in a statement quoted on Wednesday, December 1 . Sri Mulyani explained, COVID-19 assistance with patient claims that jumped very high, acceleration of vaccination, and implementation of PPKM in various regions. The budget, said Sri Mulyani, was also focused on helping the poor by increasing social assistance, helping subsidy wages for workers and helping MSMEs due to not being able to work with the implementation of PPKM Level 4. . "The Minister of Finance respects the functions and duties of all high state institutions which are regulated and stipulated by laws and regulations," he wrote.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Finance continued to cooperate with all parties in dealing with the extraordinary impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society and the economy. Previously, the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo explained that the leadership of the MPR RI at the MPR RI Leadership Meeting asked the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani to respect the relationship between high state institutions, because the Minister of Finance failed to attend several meeting invitations from the leadership of the MPR RI and the MPR RI Budgeting Agency, without any reason. In fact, the presence of the Minister of Finance is very much needed to improve coordination with the MPR RI as the people's representative institution which is filled by 575 members of the DPR RI and 136 members of the DPD RI. coordinate with the Minister of Finance. He has been invited several times by the MPR leadership, Sri Mulyani never comes. Two days before being invited to a meeting, she always cancels her attendance. This shows that Sri Mulyani does not respect the MPR as a high state institution," said Bamsoet in Jakarta, Tuesday. , November 30. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Fadel Muhammad, said I am annoyed with the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani who often cuts the budget. However, recently many people have also been disappointed with the performance of the finance minister for the two periods.

The MPR leader from the DPD RI element considered that the pressure to remove Sri Mulyani from her position was something that President Jokowi needed to consider. The reason, said Fadel, is that the Minister of Finance's policies and programs in stabilizing state finances are also not very good. Even Fadel also admitted that he had received many reports from ministers who complained about Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in managing state finances.

"There are some friends who also convey conflict, the conflict between the minister and the finance minister is very sharp in the current cabinet. They all conveyed and all those present were leaders of political parties," said Fadel. the finance minister because he is not competent in regulating existing government policies," he said.

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