JAKARTA - New facts from the case of the death of the Diksar Menwa participant at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo, Gilang Endi, have begun to be revealed. Previously, the UNS Menwa party was considered not to have the mentality to be transparent about this case. In fact, all this time they argued that the physical forging they used to nurture their members was to improve their mentality.

The police revealed new facts regarding the death of a student regiment education and training participant (Diksar Menwa) at Sungai Bengawan Solo on Sunday, October 24. According to the witness' examination results, Gilang was already dead before arriving at the hospital.

"The victim was declared dead on the way to the hospital. On the way, the victim was dead," said Solo Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Djohan Andika on October 27, as quoted by Detik.

However, Djohan could not confirm how long the 3rd semester student majoring in Occupational Safety and Health (KKK) had died before the committee took him to the hospital. "We have to wait (how long he died). Regarding the medical, we have to wait for the autopsy results. They are still taken to the hospital with the committee."

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java (Central Java) Police, Kombes M Iqbal Alqudusy, found signs of violence in the form of a blow to Gilang's head. The blow is thought to have killed him. The findings are based on the results of an initial autopsy conducted by the Central Java Regional Police Biddokkes.

The UNS Menwa Diksar case has now been upgraded from an investigation to an investigation. However, the suspect has not yet been identified.

The UNS Menwa Headquarters was temporarily closed after the case of the death of one of the students while attending Menwa Education and Training. (Photo: Aris Wasita/Antara)
Odd facts

These new facts answer the news circulating that was felt strange before. Facts that felt odd regarding the death of Gilang Endi Saputra were revealed by the UNS Student Executive Board (BEM).

Through their Instagram account @bemuns, they urged transparency of the results of the investigation from the UNS campus. BEM UNS supports efforts to thoroughly investigate this case. Because they found some facts that felt odd.

The first is about the two delegates from the Menwa Diksar committee who came to the victim's house. However, according to the UNS BEM, they were not open, only reporting that Gilang was in a trance and after being diruqyah he was sick.

Then, the families of the victims were invited by the two committees to the Moewardi Hospital in Solo. It was only in the middle of the journey that they confessed that Gilang had died. "When we got to the hospital, suspicion grew because there was no committee to welcome the victim's family and seemed unconcerned," wrote the UNS BEM.

The weirdness doesn't stop there. After dropping off and bringing the victim's body home with the committee, the committee immediately left after delivering the body.

The attitude of the Menwa members left the impression of not completing their task. They also seem not to dare to say what really happened, even to the point of saying that Gilang is in a trance.

The irregularities in the duties of the Menwa members do not at all reflect people who have the mental steel of steel, as they have been glorifying from the results of their semi-military training. In fact, not infrequently, when there are allegations of cases of violence, they always argue that it is just to support someone's mentality.

Violence can't wake up mentally

It is common knowledge that the trainings held by Menwa are mostly closely related to physical exercise. We have also often heard stories from members or former members of Menwa that "mental guidance" that results in physical injury is common. And the excuse is almost always the same: to build a strong mentality.

Indeed, according to clinical psychologist Kasandra Putranto, physical exercise can increase a person's mental strength. As long as it's not too much.

Physical training in question is like building discipline to get up in the morning, exercising, to weight training. "Physical stamina is certainly necessary, for example getting up early, running, weight training," Kasandra told VOI.

However, the physical exercise does not lead to acts of violence. "Not by being beaten," said this psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia.

After all, although not directly correlated, people who have a strong mentality can be seen from their completeness in carrying out their duties. "With mental strength, someone has more opportunity and endurance to carry out their duties," said Kasandra.

If you look at the way Menwa solves this case, they don't seem like people with a strong heart. This more or less proves that no matter how hard mental guidance, if it contains physical violence in it, it will not improve one's mentality.

*Read other information about persecutory or read other interesting articles from Ramdan Febrian Arifin.


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