JAKARTA - “I remember Bung Karno's message about the importance of maintaining social life. According to Bung Karno, 'Youth who get together while discussing the nation and state are much better than nerdy youths who only think about themselves.'”
This was the advice given by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, which was broadcast on his YouTube channel entitled Ruang Ganjar: Social Media Jihad Against Terror. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with quoting Bung Karno's words. However, this quote is interesting because many doubt it, is it true that Bung Karno ever said or scratched the pen about it?
We know, the Son of the Dawn on every occasion is always proud to call himself a lover: art, women, and books. The video uploaded by Ganjar Pranowo on April 19 has been watched by more than 100 thousand people. In his video, Ganjar talks a lot about new forms of terror and the beauty of tolerance.
To strengthen the narrative, Ganjar cites three national figures: Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus), Buya Syafii Ma'arif, and Bung Karno. But Ganjar's snippet quotes Bung Karno, which is widely circulated on social media. The words of reward seemed to confirm Bung Karno had said that. Reward is not the only one.
The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), led by Megawati Soekarnoputri, Bung Karno's son, also had time to quote words related to cigarettes, coffee, and discussions on social media. Even though there is no valid source that reveals that the word was actually spoken by Bung Karno.
Can yes can not. If you see that PDIP itself has made this quote, it seems that this quote exists. But if you look at the source of the book and speech, you can't find this quote. That's why I asked earlier, I need a reference, I'm also curious. https://t.co/GtIOr0iRsO pic.twitter.com/6HzBbiOLw8
— Mazzini (@mazzini_gsp) September 14, 2021
After all, that statement is not in speeches, interviews or books that contain the life story of Bung Karno. The search for where the quote came from leads to the Instagram @Hexogram upload which was published on August 17, 2020.
If the custom search from January 2000 - the end of October 2017 doesn't exist, on November 8, 2017, it appears from the hexograph ig, but when I check the ig it appears 56 weeks ago (August 2020) but there is no such hashtag on google in the post it seems like it's already deleted. pic.twitter.com/mSzlaAl6Pi
— Paladin (@healertanker) September 14, 2021
Even if there was Bung Karno's dislike for book readers or bookworms, it was also for those who swallowed the theory in the book raw. Bung Karno even gave this criticism to his comrade in arms, Bung Hatta. Not generally in youth.
Hatta, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Rotterdam, thought too rigidly in Bung Karno's eyes. His thinking often carries narratives according to the books and has not been able to be transformed into more digestible terms. For example, his view is to pump up the spirit of revolution.
“With Bung Karno's method, the party will not be stable, Hatta said, a person who is completely different from me in character and character. Bung Hatta was an economist in terms of trade and demeanor. Thorough, unaffected by feelings, pedantic."
A graduate of the Faculty of Economics in Rotterdam, his way of thinking is still according to books, trying to apply scientific formulas that cannot be changed into a revolution," said Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in his autobiography Bung Karno: Connecting the Tongue of the Indonesian People ( 1964).
Even so, it does not mean Bung Karno hates nerds. Moreover, hate Bung Hatta. The difference in views between Soekarno and Hatta was only a form of difference in the style of the movement. The two of them often disagree.
In Bung Karno's daily life, he was classified as a bookworm. He himself always practices and even invites the nation's young generation to always read books. Including the message he delivered in front of journalists at a friendly event at the Bogor Palace, November 20, 1965.
“Not those books and magazines in the closet, brethren, in my bed. I sleep between books and between magazines. Because I think it is important to always read, always read, always read, even though I have said I have, know a little science, even though I have been given the title of Doctor Honoris Causa 27 times by universities. Reading, learning has no age limit. Even though we have crested wanen, we are old, learning and reading are always useful,” explained Bung Karno.
Bung Karno the bookwormBung Karno's passion for books is no secret. Since childhood, Bung Karno has been accustomed to reading books. Mr. Bung Karno, Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, who was active as a member of the Theosophy association, became the estuary. Thanks to this privilege, Sukarno not only read his parents' collections, but he was able to freely access a large Theosophical library. The books in the theosophical library were like a treasure chest to him.
His love for books continued until Soekarno entered Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Surabaya. When other children played, Soekarno spent a lot of his time studying by reading books. Through books, Sukarno pursued knowledge outside of school. Even after returning to the house of Haji Oemar Said (HOS) Tjokroaminoto, Soekarno could freely access the entire collection of books of Sarekat Islam figures.
“Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto was 33 years old when I came to Surabaya. Pak Tjokro taught me about what and who he was, not about what he knew or about what I would become. A character who has creativity and high ideals, a warrior who loves his homeland. Mr. Tjokro is my idol. I'm his student. Consciously or unconsciously he galvanizes me. I sat by his feet and he gave me his books, he gave me his precious possessions," Soekarno told Cindy Adams.
Books also became Soekarno's only wealth while living his days in exile in Ende (1934-1939), then Bengkulu (1938-1942). It is recorded that Bung Karno's collection of books reached more than a thousand. Bung Karno did not leave a single book in exile. After being exiled, he brought all his books back to Jakarta.
"In his collection of books there are books that talk about fascism and ways to defeat it. For example, Willy Munzenberg's writings entitled 'Propaganda als Waffe', or Ernst HenDry's essays entitled 'Hitler Over Russia'. Soekarno's collection of books is accompanied by so many deep reflection led him to formulate the basis of the state," said Peter Kasenda in the book Bung Karno Panglima Revolution (2014).
*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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