Holywings Against Crowd Cases: The Fruit Of Law Enforcement That Still Sees Class
Screenshot of the viral video of the crowd at Holywings Kemang cafe

JAKARTA - The video of the crowd at the Holywings bar has become a polemic in the midst of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). Because this is not the first time this has happened. The question is why there seems to be no deterrent effect for Holywings from repeating similar violations?

Holywings Kemang, Jakarta is in the spotlight. The reason, there was a crowd at the bar which operates until midnight tonight. In fact, when the incident took place the capital city was still implementing PPKM level 3.

This is not the first time this has happened in a hangout place for young people. In June 2020 there was a viral photo of Dr. Titrta with his colleagues at Holywings. The viral photo caused disappointment for many because Tirta was very active in reminding him of health protocols and the 'stay at home' campaign.

In the photo, they can be seen wearing masks. At that time, Dr. Tirta emphasized that he went to Holywings in order to provide input regarding the reopening of restaurants during the Transitional PSBB in DKI Jakarta.

In addition, on May 24, the Holywings bar in Makassar also caused a similar problem. The COVID-19 task force dispersed hundreds of visitors, while the administrators were given three sanctions, including the confiscation of chairs and furniture.

Not long after, on June 13, it was the turn of the Semarang branch of Holywings that sparked the anger of the residents. In the midst of many people holding back boredom in his house, the bar instead allowed the crowd to occur. Local officials said a number of visitors there were not wearing masks and keeping their distance.

Indeed, Holywings has helped the government's vaccination program several times. However, these good efforts seem useless if they are not accompanied by strict enforcement of procedures in the midst of this unfinished pandemic.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria stated that cafes caught violating the rules that were being enforced during this pandemic would be given sanctions and dealt with according to existing rules. Violations range from administrative sanctions to license revocation, and even criminal sanctions are possible.

In line with Deputy Governor Riza, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus said that the authorities would conduct a marathon examination of all those involved in the crowds at Holywings and process them according to Law number 4 of 1984 concerning Disease Outbreaks. "The point is, we emphasize again that there is no selective logging, not only this, anyone who violates the prokes during the PPKM level 3 will be processed," Yusri explained in a written statement.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria (Jakarta Provincial Government Youtube)
The prosecution looked at the class?

Seeing the fact that Holywings violated the prokes time and time again raises questions. Could it be that Holywings is not deterred by the existing sanctions? Or is it because the authorities are not firm enough? This is different from the small roadside stalls which once got a direct deterrent.

Some time before, there were dispersal of violators of the PPKM rules which were quite harsh, such as watering with fire extinguishing water to disbanding which triggered a riot. And of course, this way of enforcing the procedure is not at Holywings.

To answer this problem, VOI contacted public policy expert Tubus Rahardiansyah. He considered that in the application of the law there is still selective slashing.

In fact, Trubus said, everyone is the same in the eyes of the law. He argues that there are fundamental problems in the implementation of the implementation of the rules so that they are not enforced properly.

"What happened in the Holywings case was that there were a lot of doubts made by the officers, (or) PPKM officers. The rules are clear, you can't (make a crowd). But implementation in the field is a problem. You can also benefit from it, as a backing, you can," said Trubus.

He explained, in enforcing the rules there are three theories. The substance is the rules, there is a structure, namely the law enforcement officers, and the third is the legal culture or discipline. The three theories are supposed to be correlated. But in the context of Holywings, no. The officers who act like half-hearted.

In addition to the weak rule enforcers and administrators, the community is also in a state of euphoria. Recently, active cases of COVID-19 have decreased and people who have been vaccinated feel more euphoric. This is what makes the crowd even more.

"Even if it's loose, there should still be restrictions. But this isn't the case. There's a high element of intent. The sanction Holywings should get should be bigger," added Trubus.

Illustration (Unsplash/Mufid Majnun)
The government must play a role

In addition, the government also has a big role to play so that the Holywings crowd event does not repeat itself in the midst of a pandemic. Trubus assesses that the government is now giving leeway but while not anticipating and continuing to ensure that all parties continue to implement health protocols.

"If there is an easing, it should be accompanied by two things, firstly, strict supervision. There is no strict supervision. Second, the sanctions should also be stricter when there is easing. For example, if someone violates, they will be immediately given heavy sanctions," explained Trubus.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that Holywings is just one of many places that might commit the same offence. The virality of the Holywings case could be a shocking effect for cafes or other entertainment venues that have concessions like Holywings. Either the fear of going viral if you break the rules or just applying stricter rules.

Regardless of the level of PPKM applied, Trubus said it all stems from the political intentions of the policy makers. "If you want level 3, you can tighten it. Level 2 can be tightened, you can. This is about how to monitor health protocols. There should also be a COVID task force at Holywings. But this doesn't exist. The Holywings raid is an attempt by the government to cover up weakness," added Trubus.

Another problem that can be studied more deeply according to Trubus is the "big name" behind Holywings. After several times violating the rules, it seems that there is no deterrent effect. The omission is obvious and seems to be taking PPKM for granted. All these problems cause social jealousy and the same problems will continue to occur in the future.

"Our policy is like a firefighter, the smoke has just been extinguished. Our policy is (obviously) selective and discriminatory," concluded Trubus.

*Read other information about HEALTH PROTOCOL or read other interesting articles from Ramdan Febrian Arifin.


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