JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD said that currently the government is contemplating relaxation measures for the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). However, the government should not be careless considering that the number of positive patients with COVID-19 is currently still increasing.

Mahfud said, the government is still thinking about the relaxation of the PSBB. The PSBB relaxation step was taken, he claimed, because many people complained about not being able to do activities. Including for work. As a result, it hinders the economy of the community. In fact, this restriction should not hamper the economy.

"The economy must not be stuck, cannot die. Therefore the President said the economy must still move and remain in accordance with health protocols," Mahfud told reporters, Sunday, May 3.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) believes that this relationship is an answer to public unrest. "This is what is later stated that relaxation is necessary. Relaxation does not violate health protocols," said Mahfud.

However, all societies must strictly follow health protocols. For example, washing hands, using masks, and physical distancing or keeping a distance. This is to stop the spread of COVID-19 during relaxation later.

In response to this, Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX DPR RI from the Golkar Party faction, Melki Laka Lena, assessed that the PSBB relaxation could be carried out. However, it must be ensured that this relaxation is followed by compliance with strict health protocols. So, and if there are people who violate it, then there will be firm action.

"Relaxation can be based on the principles of strict social distancing and physical distancing. Sanctions and enforcement are carried out strictly according to the rules to discipline," said Melki.

Physical distancing illustration. (Ilham Amin / VOI)

That way, he asked the government to ensure all decisions were in accordance with health protocols. This is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 even though the community will be able to move freely later.

Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force II, Catur Laswanto, considered the opposite. He said that awareness of the spread of the virus in DKI Jakarta must not decrease.

Moreover, the addition of positive cases of COVID-19 in areas that have been running the PSBB since April 10, is still happening. So that there is no reason for them to relax the imposition of these social restrictions.

"Vigilance against the spread of COVID-19 must not decrease or relax. DKI Jakarta continues to implement the PSBB even more firmly through prosecution and sanctions," said Catur.

With this firm action and sanctions, he hopes that the public can comply with the PSBB regulations in force in DKI Jakarta and so that the spread of this virus can be cut off immediately.

Public Policy Observer from the University of Indonesia (UI) Defny Holidin stated, it is not right to relax the PSBB on the grounds that people can earn a living and the economy continues to run amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I think it is inappropriate to relax the PSBB at this time. The infection cases have now spread from the red zone to other areas," said Defny.

Apart from the community, according to him, the government is also not obedient to carrying out the restriction procedure. One example is that currently the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to grant permits to a number of companies requested by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to stop operating during the PSBB.

For Defny, if you want the economic cycle to continue and people's needs are met, the most appropriate thing is for the government to improve their policies so that assistance can be provided in cash, not through online training.

Moreover, this observer assesses that it is impossible for the government to control and ensure that the public adheres to health protocols during the relaxation of the PSBB so that the spread does not occur. Given, the current restrictions have not been followed by all parties.

"The community is basically an unstructured entity. Just an appeal will not be effective, let alone weak supervision," he said.

"The proposal to ease the PSBB only repeats policy negligence since the beginning of this pandemic," concluded Defny.

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