JAKARTA - The government has an idea to send 25 percent of the state civil apparatus (ASN) to work from Bali aka work from Bali. This idea is planned to target asn under Luhut Binsar Panjaitan and realized in the third quarter of 2021. What are the considerations of this policy? Did you think about the budget?

The total of 25 percent of ASN is those of the seven ministries under the ministry led by Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, namely the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

The seven ministries are the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and the Ministry of Investment.

Head of the Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Vinsensius Jemadu said this policy was carried out as an effort to boost bali's economic recovery affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The simplest thing the government imagines is an increase in hotel occupancy.

"After all, if it is true that the cost of accommodation is calculated monthly, let's say Rp3 million or Rp4 million per month, one room for accommodation in Bali, I think it can be made in such a way that the ASN is alternately, in waves until the end of the year doing work from Bali," said Vinsensius.

Budget considerations?

However, Vinsensius stated that the government will still review this policy. There are a few things to take into account. For example, the details of quotas and ASN with what kind of work can be sent to work from Bali.

"We propose that routine work, secretarial nature, and also those meetings should be controlled or done from Bali, meetings if carried out hybrid offline in Bali and the rest through Zoom. This is what we are thinking," Vinsensius said at a press conference On Saturday, May 22.

Vinsensius said the policy will also be drafted taking into account the 50 percent work from office rule for ASNs. Asn quota sent to Bali, said Vinsensius will also consider the ability of the state budget.

"We propose at this time if we see that work from office is about 50 percent. Well, if it can be divided in two, 25 percent who work from office, 25 percent who work from Bali by maximizing the existing budget," said Vinsensius.

Vinsensius also mentioned the need for rules so that ASN sent to work from Bali does not invite families. "We recommend that families are also not included, so that we can actually limit the number and also we can keep a good eye on health protocols," Vinsensius.

Asn delivery policy to work in Bali was initiated by coordinating minister for maritime affairs and investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan himself. He said it was done to restore Bali's tourism that was devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commitment to the policy is outlined in the memorandum of understanding supporting the provision of accommodation for tourism improvement the Nusa Dua Bali on Tuesday, May 18.

*Read more information about COVID-19 or read other interesting writings from Ramdan Febrian.


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