JAKARTA - A number of researchers have observed human fossils from the Middle Ages. From the observations of researchers we can estimate what the human face looked like a thousand years ago.

The research team was led by Richard Taylor, Natasha Bilson, and Dr Chloe Duckworth. Meanwhile, the fossils were found by diggers working in the back garden of the City of Masham, Yorkshire, England.

Citing the Express, the site around the town square is said to have been a cemetery in the Anglo-Scandinavian period. Human bone fragments found buried under the bones of animals, kinds of cows, sheep, and goats were two hundred years old.

Richard Taylor said the location may have also been a slaughterhouse. "That tells us what's underneath is probably older ... So I firmly believe this burial is older than 1200," he said.

Approximate face

Researchers who joined the team The Great British Dig More4 initially estimated the man was over 45 years old. The conclusion was obtained from the condition of the man's molar teeth which were very shrunken.

But a more thorough examination of the body showed the man appeared to be much younger. Furthermore, the results of the reconstruction of the ancient human face showed that the male face was not much different from that of modern humans.

Ancient human face estimates (Source: The Great British Dig More 4 via Express)

The team's osteologist Lizzy Craig-Atkins said the man's pelvis proved he was younger. "That suggests they may be around 30 to 40 years old."

Professor Caroline Wilkinson carried out scans of the remains of the skull to reconstruct the shape of the ancient human's face. He admitted that he was surprised by the results found that there was no significant difference between humans today and early humans.

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