JAKARTA A heartbreaking incident occurred on Drini Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Tuesday (28/1/2025). The study tour, which should be an encouraging moment, turned into a nightmare after 13 students were swept away by the ocean waves, four of whom died.

A total of 257 students of SMP 7 Mojokerto along with 16 teachers arrived at Drini Beach for outing class activities. Before starting activities, the group was asked to have breakfast, but a number of male students chose to play with water immediately.

At around 07.00, came a big wave and dragged 13 students into the middle of the sea. Nine students were rescued by the coast guard team, but four other students were found dead in this incident.

Beaches are often favorite destinations for holidays, including outing class activities carried out by a number of schools. But behind its beauty, there are dangers that visitors don't realize.

As experienced by dozens of students of SMP 7 Mojokerto on Drini Beach a few days ago. It is known that their location when playing with water is right in the gap between the reefs which are usually used as an entry route for the ship.

This incident occurred when the wave conditions and tidal heights were sufficient to form a current chip, a strong ocean current that could drag the swimmer into the middle of the sea in seconds.

This phenomenon is the main cause of accidents and the sinking of tourists on various beaches in the world. Following the incident on Drini Beach, the termrip current is now a public conversation.

Citing the website of the Current Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (MBKG) is a strong current from sea water that moves away from the coast. They can even sweep the strongest swimmer even into the sea.

The current river was caused by a wave meeting that was parallel to the coastline, causing backflow with high current speeds, as quoted by the BMKG page.

Vocational School Lecturer, Hendi Faculturohman, S.Si., M.Sc., said, from the results of research he had done before, in the Drini Beach area, there was indeed a current type at that location.

"Residential currents can appear at certain times when the wave conditions are sufficient," said Hendi.

The factor forming the current rap, said Hendi, is influenced by hydrodynamic conditions or waves and tides, as well as the condition of the bathimetry or depth of the seabed. Hard structures such as cliffs can also be a factor for forming the current rap because it reflects the waves that come.

However, some of the current rips are permanent and some move, depending on the condition of the seabed morphology when the current chip is formed.

"Increasing wave activity can also increase the strength of the current because it can generate stronger bait," he explained.

Even though it is dangerous, the public can actually know the signs of a current chip. One of the most easily recognized signs is the absence of foam after the wave breaks. Hendi said, if the waves don't break and the water surface looks calm, there is no foam or ripple, actually there is a very dangerous backflow.

"What is clear is that if you can't swim, don't go too far into the sea once, and always obey the officer's appeal," he said.

If trapped in it, Hendi suggests swimming to the right or left. Then swim following the direction of the current rim until it comes out of the channel when the current rip splits so that it can be easy to swim back to the ground.

This can be done rather than going against the current because it will be very difficult and consume a lot of energy. Hendi explained that one of the reasons why the current has claimed many victims is because swimmers usually run out of energy due to going against the flow direction.

In addition, all stakeholders need to sit down together to formulate safer tourism management so that they can provide education to tourist visitors.

The government should support it by paying more attention to mitigation efforts in coastal areas, not only for current crypts but also other disaster threats. In addition, the manager is also expected to prioritize the safety and security of visitors and actively provide education and socialization.

Tourists also need to be proactive in seeking information about what things are important to do and not to do when traveling to the beach. Most importantly, comply with the advice of the officer," Hendi explained.

He said, there are many educational media and ways that can be used to increase public awareness regarding this current crypt. Access to information is now very easy.

"We as researchers have also tried to convey various mitigation methods by collaborating with various media," said Hendi.

In addition, information about crypt current can actually be conveyed by tour leaders or interested parties in the tourism sector.

"Study tour activities like what happened at Drini Beach are actually the right place to educate things like this so that there is a learning process being conveyed," he concluded.

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