JAKARTA The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDAI) emphasizes the importance of stimulation by parents to children to prevent speech delays or delays in speech. Children's speech skills can be stimulated using simple words every day to get used to hearing and learning to speak.

Recently, a video has gone viral showing the betel tabok ritual. This ritual is quite popular in the area of the Central Gebang Environment located in Patrang District, Jember Regency. This traditional ritual of treatment has been running for generations in this environment and is believed to be able to overcome the problem of late speech in early childhood.

Based on the results of a study entitled Rual Tabok Sirih as an Effort to Handle Delays in Speaking to Early Childhood: Magis or Educative? people in the Central Gebang environment still believe the Tabok Sirih ritual as one of the handling of the problem of late speech in early childhood. Parents who have 2-3 years of age who have not been able to speak smoothly will come to the local shaman to undergo this situation.

Not all shamans can carry out this ritual, but only one of the shamans has inherited this traditional medicine from generation to generation. The ritual was carried out on Sweet Friday during the second call to prayer on Friday. After the second call to prayer, the shaman started the ritual procession by reading prayers and tapping the three betel leaves into the child's mouth three times.

Tabok betel turned out to be not the only ritual that was believed to be able to launch children's talks. In a number of areas, the tongue ritual dripped with a ring stone is also done by parents to overcome the speed delay. In addition, giving mangosteen to children and eating tempeh wrapped in daus is also one of the tips commonly used by people to make children talk quickly.

Speech delay or delay in speech is the development of children's skills in speaking that are late compared to children of their age. A child is said to experience delays in speaking if his voice production skills and communication skills are below the average child of his age.

Problems with late speech are often a concern for parents because of their impact on communication barriers, as well as long-term risks for children, both in the form of difficulties in peer relationships and success at school.

The Management of the Development Growth Coordination Unit and the Social Pediatrician of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. dr. Fitri Hartanto, Sp.A(K) explained, there are two factors that cause delays in speech, thus disrupting child growth and development.

"The slow talk of two children is recognized by two factors, namely intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors," Fitri said in the webinar Recognizing the Delay in Speech to Children held by IDAI.

Fitri explained that intrinsic factors cause secondary speed delays caused by organ disorders, nerve disorders, behavioral disorders, cognitive disorders, including development delays (maturation delays).

While extrinsic factors are the cause of primary-type speech delays, where delays occur in the aspect of language.

In general, extrinsic factors are caused by lack of stimulation and wrong learning so that children experience speed delays. According to him, the lack of stimulation occurs due to permissive parenting, for example obeying children's wishes without using speech, but only through gestures. This condition is then exacerbated by an overprotective parenting, namely when the child's willingness is always served only so as not to cry.

"If you only reach for your hand or point out that you have been given your wish in the hope that your child will not cry, this does not give children the opportunity to learn properly. It must be corrected in ucap language," he said.

The existence of gadgets or gadgets in everyday life is like a double-edged knife. On the one hand, gadgets have a number of benefits that parents can also feel. But on the other hand, excessive use of gadgets can actually have a negative impact, including causing children to experience delays in talking.

Children who are exposed to gadgets only get one-way stimulation and there is no communication with the surrounding environment. Whereas one way to stimulate children to speak is through two-way communication.

"From the results of the research, screen time has an impact on children's development, both their behavior and language skills. This visual overstimulation causes children to concentrate badly," said Fitri.

For this reason, Fitri emphasized the importance of the role of parents in providing stimulation so that children can speak smoothly. The easiest and cheapest stimulation is to invite your little one to chat since childhood. Doctor Fitri emphasized that often chatting makes children learn to listen quickly, train focus, find out who is talking, and try to respond.

"When a child is often spoken to, it will be easy for him to follow the stages according to his milestone," said the doctor who practices at the Kariadi Hospital in Semarang.

On the same occasion, the Chairperson of IDAI dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K) suggested that parents obey the words spoken by the child so that the little one can speak quickly and add to the vocabulary.

"Parents who invite their children to talk, chat, listen to the word tribe that their children say. It will help stimulate children so that they can speak smoothly," said dr. Piprim.

Diagnosis speech delay needs to be done as early as possible because delays in speech can be a marker for your little one experiencing cognitive disorders or brain development. For this reason, parents need to monitor the child's growth and development, including the ability to speak and not hesitate to consult a doctor.

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