JAKARTA - Today, Christians around the world celebrate Easter. Easter is the oldest tradition. Easter is celebrated as the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after being crucified. One of the interesting things about Easter is that the celebrations always change dates. A matter of controversy.

The church is divided today over the different Easter dates each year. This date is recorded in four passages in the Gospels: in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

All of them describe the death of Jesus Christ which fell on the Passover day of the Jews. But each mentions a different date.

In John, it is said that Jesus' crucifixion took place on Passover itself, which is on the 14th day of the Hebrew calendar, after the appearance of the first month at the start of spring. However, according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, on that day Jesus was still enjoying the Passover meal.

According to the three passages of the Gospels, Jesus was crucified one day after the meal or the 15th day after the first month appeared. So, only a few generations after Jesus' death, an immediate difference arises when it comes to the commemoration of his death and resurrection.

Calculate the date of Easter

Sometimes, Easter is celebrated at the end of March. One time Easter was also celebrated at the end of April.

This year, 2021, Easter is celebrated on April 4. Meanwhile, in 2019, Easter falls on April 21. Easter will fall again in the third week of April in 2038.

Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the full moon following the starting point of spring. However, the calculation of the full moon is not based on modern astronomy.

The method for calculating the Easter date is called by the Latin term, "computus". In Latin, computus means calculation. This is a major issue in medieval times that has not been resolved until now.

To calculate the Easter date, the equinox or first day of spring is always calculated on March 21. For 2021, the first Sunday of March 21 is March 28. That's why Easter falls on April 4.

With this calculation model, based on the spring equinox of March 21, the fastest Easter may occur on March 22. And this happened in 1818.

* Read other information about Easter or read other interesting writings from Putri Ainur Islam.


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