JAKARTA Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) kicked off the first day of the Party, one of Indonesia's famous music festivals, on Friday (20/9/2024) night. The sixth President of Indonesia sang popular songs in the early 2000s.

The former number one person in Indonesia entertained thousands of people on the stage of the Partypora Stage. SBY sang several popular songs in the country such as Pelangi in Jamrud's house and You're Not Alone from Type-X. In addition, he also performed his own song, namely For Earth and My Friend There. SBY also performed a song from Coldplay entitled Yellow.

He seemed to have the support of his son and son-in-law, as well as his grandchildren who were also present at JIExpo Jakarta. SBY had time to greet his cheering audience by saying, 'How are you Partypora? Do you remember me? Alhamdulillah.'

The appearance of SBY's name as a performer at the Partypora surprised many audiences. Understandably, this is the first time a former Indonesian president has appeared at a music festival. However, if you look further, SBY has long been friends with music. In fact, SBY has been struggling with many arts for a long time, such as painting, writing, and playing music.

Like most other teenagers, SBY, who likes music, formed a band called Teruna Band. At that time he was still in SMA 1 Pacitan, East Java, around the 1960s.

Teruna Band often performs Koes Plus songs and soft pop songs to the ears. SBY himself plays bass guitar in his band.

In the midst of his busy schedule as president, SBY continued his musical hobby. In 2007, he even released his first album with the title "Rinduku Padamu". This album carries the theme of love and religion. Several well-known artists contributed to the voice on this album, such as Ebiet G. Ade, Widi Mulia, Kerispatih, and Dea Mirzalla.

Then in 2009, SBY collaborated with veteran musician Yockie Suryoprayogo to release his second album titled Evolution. This album carries instrumental music and contains 10 songs. A year later, SBY released the third album that was first given by Ku Yakin Arriving there. Names such as Vidi Aldiano, Joy Tobing, and Rio Febrian also contributed to the voice on the album containing these nine songs.

SBY released another album before his retirement as president, namely Harmoni Alam Cinta and Peace, and finally, SBY released his fifth album with the title Kumpulan Lagu-Lagu Terbaik Karya SBY and Karaoke Song-Lagu Karya SBY.

SBY's success in producing five albums earned him an award from the Indonesian Record Museum or MURI in 2015 for contributing as the most song pencinpta in a short relationship time.

Being involved in the music world, such as singing, turns out to have a positive impact on health. A scientific study says that singing is good for both physical and mental health.

CitingHealthline, there are at least 10 benefits that can be obtained from singing both individually and as a band. Starting from relaxing stress, stimulating the immune system, increasing the threshold for pain, reducing snoring during sleep, and increasing lung function.

A study in 2017 found that the number of cortisols was less after singing. It follows that people feel more relaxed after singing. They also found that singing reduces stress levels, whether it sings alone or in groups, "saidHealthline.

Then the study in 2008, found that fewer choir members were snoring. This made them recommend singing regularly as a potential treatment for snoring, the statement added.

Furthermore, Liveline explained several other singing benefits, one of which can build feelings of having and improving connections with others. Reflecting on a 2014 study involving 11,258 school children, researchers found that children who took part in the singing and music program developed a strong sense of togetherness and social inclusion.

Singing is also known to improve people's memory with dementia. Studies show people with these conditions are able to remember song lyrics are easier than other words.

Over the past decade, researchers have started researching the impact of singing for people who have difficulty speaking due to neurological conditions, such as autitis, parkinson, and afasia.

Tell me to stimulate some areas of the brain at the same time. This allows people with disorders in one part of the brain to communicate using other areas in their brains, "explained Healthline.

Not only has a positive impact on physical health, singing is also believed to be able to maintain mental health, one of which is when a person feels saddened after the loss of a loved one.

"In 2019 a study conducted on people experiencing sadness, researchers found that for those who sing symptoms of depression do not get worse over time," he wrote.

The study also said that singing could be a good option for those who need additional support during mourning, "concluded Healthline.

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