JAKARTA - The incessant information about the 2019 new corona virus pandemic (2019-nCoV or SARS Cov-2) also has an impact on the psychological condition of the community. Are you one of those who suddenly felt like you had a sore throat or didn't feel well? When all these conditions arise, don't panic yet. Therefore, it is actually not always a symptom of COVID-19. In this condition, there are what are called psychosomatic symptoms. What is that?

Brian experienced the symptoms as if he had COVID-19. The young man began to experience symptoms similar to COVID-19 when a co-worker, Tania (undercover) was designated as a Supervisory Person (ODP). Brian knows, Tania is having a fever that has not healed in the last three to four days.

In addition, there are also symptoms of cough experienced by Tania. Everything that was experienced by Tania was slowly felt by Brian. His body felt a feverish sensation. In fact, his right chest often felt pain. However, Brian only felt the symptoms occasionally, not continuously.

Brian isn't the only one. Tata, Brian's office colleague, also admitted to feeling psychosomatic symptoms. The moment of his appearance was the same, namely when he got the news that Tania had a fever and a long cough. Since then, Tania has often felt short of breath. This is experienced by many people. Don't believe it? Just check social media. Twitter, for example.

Our investigation, an account called @AmbarwatiRexy, said that in a pandemic situation, she is more alert, even coughing and sneezing. "I immediately thought of my life as the life of my children," he wrote. The @tantri___ account owner has a worse experience. The psychosomatic symptoms he was experiencing led him to the emergency room.

Due to psychosomatic symptoms

In a pandemic situation like today, we cannot escape exposure to information about COVID-19. Starting from waking up, then looking at social media, it is almost certain that at least there is information about COVID-19. Then, looking at television shows, the info appears again. In the mass media, COVID-19 is clearly the main news.

Psychiatrist who is also a member of the American Psychosomatic Society, Andri explained, psychosomatic symptoms are a natural reaction from the human body. In this context, psychosomatic symptoms are triggered by exposure to information and stories about COVID-19.

It can be a good thing because it makes a person alert. However, it can also be a bad thing, when immeasurable panic brings someone's steps to the hospital, a place that healthy people should avoid as much as possible, especially in a pandemic.

According to Andri, bad news about COVID-19 will trigger a reaction in the amygdala, which then triggers anxiety and other instincts. "The amygdala or anxiety center as well as our memory becomes overworked. Finally, sometimes he can't handle the hard work," said Andri.

As Andri explained, a part of the brain called the amygdala that is overworked can cause the autonomic nervous system to overwork too. That is why someone is currently in a state of constant alert.

"This imbalance makes psychosomatic symptoms appear as a reaction to be prepared to face threats," Andri.

The solution, of course, is access to information. It is better if we limit our exposure to information about COVID-19. Moreover, the authorities also did not provide much important information regarding the handling of the pandemic at home. Then you can switch your brain to hobbies, such as reading a book or novel, playing sports or even playing brain teasers.

Recognize the specific symptoms

Remembering that vigilance is important, we shouldn't get rid of the symptoms that arise in ourselves. For COVID-19 it is rather difficult, because the symptoms are similar to the flu in general. Therefore, let us understand more specifically the symptoms of COVID-19.

As WHO explained, the corona virus affects different people in different ways too. Those infected with this virus will experience mild to moderate symptoms. At least according to WHO, there are three common symptoms of people infected with COVID-19, namely high fever, feeling tired, and dry cough.

In addition, other symptoms that are more specific to people who are infected with COVID-19 are shortness of breath or shortness of breath, feeling body aches, sore throat, and some feel diarrhea, nausea or runny nose. The last symptom, according to WHO, is felt by people.

Meanwhile, the symptoms of the common cold, generally people experience sneezing, nasal congestion and mucus, sore throat, mild headache, cough, and fever (rarely).

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