JAKARTA The Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka Synchronization Task Force Team, which is only filled with elite Gerindra Party, has raised various speculations, one of which is the issue of division in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). This issue arose because the elected president did not invite other supporting parties.

As is known, the presidential-vice presidential pair was elected, Prabowo-Gibran had a new team called the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team. This team is led directly by the daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.

Dasco explained the reason for the synchronization team which was only filled by Gerindra cadres because it was in accordance with the direction of the General Chair of the Gerindra Party as well as the elected president of 2024-2029 Prabowo Subianto.

The one who formed the Synchronization Task Force was the elected president. This is important to shorten the adjustment time when the new government starts running," he said in his Instagram account @sufmi_dasco.

Previously, the elite political party supporting Prabowo said there was no need to form a transition team. This was once stated by PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan who said the Prabowo-Gibran government would immediately run.

Golkar chairman and Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto also said that there was no discussion about the transition team ahead of Prabowo-Gibran's inauguration.

Although he had received rebuttal from a number of party leaders who were members of KIM, Prabowo finally formed a Synchronization Task Force Team.

"We will introduce the Synchronization Task Force Team chaired by Sufmi Dasco Amma and Deputy Chairman Ahmad Muzani, as well as members of Thomas M. Djiwandono, Budi Djiwandono, and Prasetyo Hadi," said Ahmad Muzani in his statement.

This team has also started carrying out its duties by meeting Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani at the Ministry of Finance, Central Jakarta, Friday (31/5/2024). This meeting is also a place for the team to synchronize to the public.

However, the emergence of a synchronization team that was only filled by the Gerindra Party elite gave rise to perceptions in the community. In fact, KIM, who carried Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 presidential election, consisted of the Golkar Party, Democrats, and the National Mandate Party (PAN) who were in parliament.

Meanwhile, parties outside the parliament that support Prabowo-Gibran there are the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and the Month Bindang Party (PBB), the Garuda Party, and the Gelora Party.

Political observer Karyono Wibowo said that the formation of a synchronization team has the potential to ignite internal offensive conflicts of coalition parties because they are only filled with Gerindra Party elites.

"This can hinder the transition process," said Karyono, who is also the Executive Director of the Indonesian Public Institute (IPI), reported by Tempo.

Furthermore, Karyono said to overcome the potential offense, the synchronization team must involve a major coalition party so as not to hinder coordination with ministries and non-ministerial institutions.

Similar to Karyono, political observer Fadhli Harahab also assessed that the absence of other political parties in KIM in the Synchronization Task Force Team has the potential to lead public opinion that the Prabowo-Gibran coalition is cracked due to unresolved problems.

Meanwhile, political observers from the University of Indonesia Cecep Hidayat have different views. Prabowo Subianto's decision as the elected president only appoints people from the Gerindra Party to fill the synchronization team is not something that needs to be debated.

Cecep said the formation of a synchronization team that was only filled with Gerindra Party cadres because Prabowo Subianto as president was elected had such a strong position. Moreover, the Indonesian government also adheres to a presidential system.

"As president-elect, everything Prabowo does is his prerogative or privilege," said Cecep when contacted by VOI.

Cecep also added that Prabowo's decision only included close people in Gerindra Party cadres in the synchronization team because he wanted to directly "cap the gas" after being sworn in on October 20, 2024.

Another reason is because the Gerindra Party status is the winner in the 2024 presidential election.

Although paired with Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the status of the Mayor of Solo as a PDIP cadre has been hanging since Megawati Sukarnoputri's party relationship with Jokowi's family was no longer harmonious.

"So this is Prabowo's prerogative, so when he is sworn in, Prabowo wants everything to be synchronized quickly. Any policies or work that has not been completed, so it is more efficient when inaugurated later," said Cecep.

"With this synchronization team, we can also see how Prabowo is a strong leader in KIM," he concluded.

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