JAKARTA - Aprilia Manganang, a former member of the Indonesian volleyball national team, was officially appointed as a member of the TNI. Manganang was given the rank of second sergeant (serda). Manganang's recruitment as a soldier raises the facts about Manganang's hypospadias disorder. What is hypospadias? How many cases of this disorder? Is Manganang alone? Certainly not. How close are we to hypospadias?

Globally, hypospadias cases occur on a scale of one in 250-300 male births. In Indonesia, hypospadias cases are recorded in the hundreds. The 2019 release journal entitled Commons Practice of Hypospadias Management by Pediatrict Urologist in Indonesia: A Multi-center Descriptive Study from Referral Hospitals raised at least 591 cases of hypospadias in Indonesia during June-September 2018.

The journal also lists 12 referral hospitals (RS) that are accustomed to handling hypospadias cases. The hospital that handles the most hypospadias is Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta. Fatmawati Hospital, in that study, was said to have handled 199 cases. Furthermore, Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar recorded 83 cases. Meanwhile, the third is Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital: 59 cases.

Another strain in the study noted the age cohort of hypospadias patients. The groups were classified based on when to perform hypospadias reconstructive surgery in each hospital. The result, patients aged four years dominated with a percentage of 61.1 percent or 361 patients. The next age group was those between 3-4 years: 19.5 percent or 115 patients.

Aprilia Manganang (Source: Antara)

In fact, hypospadias surgery is said to be best performed when the patient is 6-18 months old. This age range is confirmed by many other studies on hypospadias. Surgery should be done as early as possible to avoid complications such as urethroutaneous fits or the appearance of urinary holes in undesirable areas, such as the groin.

The study detailed that patients in the 0-1 year age group did not develop urethroutaneous fistulas at all. The age group of patients with hypospadias most suffering from urethroutaneous fistulas are those over four years of age. There were 82 cases in that age group.

Our vulnerability to hypospadias
Aprilia Manganang (Instagram / @ manganang92)

Journal of Commons Practice of Hypospadias Management by Pediatrict Urologist in Indonesia: A Multi-center Descriptive Study from Referral Hospitals also mentions genetic factors that increase a person's susceptibility to hypospadias by 13 times. According to the journal, the risk of hypospadias is more susceptible for men whose siblings or parents suffer from the same disorder.

There are several factors that contribute to the risk of hypospadias. The first factor is a mother who is pregnant at the age of more than 35 years.

Furthermore, pregnant women who suffer from obesity or diabetes while pregnant. Third, mothers who undergo hormone therapy procedures to stimulate pregnancy.

Finally, children at risk for hypospadias are also very likely to be born to pregnant women who are exposed to cigarette smoke or pesticides. How do you know if a baby is born to a mother who has hypospadias or not?

First, through a physical examination. Make sure this is done as soon as possible from the time the baby is born. In severe cases of hypospadias, further tests - for example, genetics and imaging - are needed.


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