The elite parties who were relieved to accept the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the case of the 2024 Presidential Election Result Dispute (PHPU) became a signal that the losing political parties were in a coalition with the winners.

The Constitutional Court decided to reject all applications submitted by the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 01 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, as well as the presidential and vice presidential candidates number 03 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfd MD, Monday (22/4/2024). The Constitutional Court stated that the applicant's application was not legally reasonable.

The arguments submitted by the two pairs include the inequality between the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the DKPP. In addition, other arguments regarding the allegations of abuse of power made by President Joko Widodo in using the APBN in the form of distributing social assistance funds (bansos) aimed at influencing elections.

Including the argument regarding the abuse of power by the central government, regional governments, and village governments in the form of support with the aim of winning the pair number 02, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"Also the petitioner's argument that mentions the nepotism carried out by the President to win candidate pair number 02 in one round, is groundless according to law," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo reading the verdict at Building I of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

After the Constitutional Court read out the verdict regarding the 2024 presidential election dispute, the parties who filed a lawsuit opened their voices. After the Constitutional Court decided to reject the lawsuit, Anies immediately congratulated Prabowo-Gibran as the winner of the 2024 presidential election.

"We convey to Pak Prabowo and Pak Gibran that we are happy to carry out the constitutional mandate, good luck working to fulfill the hopes of the people who are now carried on the shoulders of the two of you," said Anies.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta emphasized that with the Constitutional Court's decision read out, the 2024 presidential election process had been completed as a whole. He also hopes that Prabowo-Gibran can give his best to build the nation.

In addition, Muhaimin Iskandar admitted that he was not surprised by the Constitutional Court's decision. He considered that the decision confirmed public opinion, including the matter of the Constitutional Court which could not contain the weakening of democracy in Indonesia.

In line with Anies, Ganjar also accepted the Constitutional Court's decision and considered the decision to be the end of his journey and Mahfud as a contestant for the 2024 presidential election.

"Mr. Mahfud and I stay only today, the end of a trip, so whatever the decision is, we agree to accept it, we accept it," said Ganjar at the Constitutional Court Building.

Meanwhile, Mahfud congratulated Prabowo-Gibran after the Constitutional Court's decision. The former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) said the congratulations were a form of acceptance of him and Ganjar of the Constitutional Court's decision.

"Therefore, we must sportyly accept this Constitutional Court decision, and Mas Ganjar and I accept this decision and congratulate Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran on this decision and stay on duty. Hopefully this country will get better," said Mahfud at the Teuku Umar Command Post Number 9, Central Jakarta.

In addition, Surya Paloh also stated that he accepted the Constitutional Court's decision in the dispute over the results of the 2024 presidential election. The gesture of the media boss in accepting the results of the presidential election was even seen when he held a meeting with the elected president Prabowo Subianto some time ago.

"I think, for NasDem, this is a final and binding decision, for all legal procedures we have in this country. We respect and respect that. That's clear," Paloh said at NasDem Tower, Central Jakarta, Monday (22/4).

The acceptance of the elites after the Constitutional Court's decision made the public wonder about the political map in the future. Executive Director of Political Parameters Adi Prayitno predicts that opportunities for coalition of parties that were previously opposite are very likely.

"If you look at the trend in general, the political map will shift. In the past, there used to be confrontations and in the future, it is very possible to form a coalition and share," Adi said, quoting Kompas TV.

"This is an indication that they softened and acknowledged that the presidential election was over," he added.

This prediction is reinforced by Prabowo Subianto's attitude, who from the start gave a signal that he would embrace all parties, including the losing party, to be jointly in his government.

"From a prabowo point of view, after the presidential election was over, Prabowo always said that his politics was a summary politics, gotong royong politics, cooperation politics," Adi explained again.

Prabowo even said that even though the parties were opposing, it was guaranteed that they would be invited to build Indonesia in the future. This is a stimulus from Prabowo, there is indeed an intention to invite parties who lose the election to become part of the coalition," he added.

Shortly after the 2024 presidential election was held on February 14 and resulted in the Prabowo-Gibran pair as the winner of the most votes, Ganjar Pranowo had raised the issue of the right to inquiry in the DPR.

He urged the party carrying it to submit the right of inquiry to the DPR regarding the alleged fraud in the 2024 General Election. This application for the right of inquiry was approved by Anies, who claimed that this would open up opportunities for alleged fraud in the 2024 General Election to proceed further until the DPR. The AMIN national team is also ready to be jointly involved to provide supporting data.

However, for more than a month to pass, the echo of the right of inquiry no longer sounds. According to Adi Prayitno, this is also one of the other variables that the opposing party will form a coalition with the Prabowo-Gibran government.

He considered that if the party that lost the election was ready to be out of power, they should be firm. Whatever the Constitutional Court's decision, they will remain upright outside the power and become an opposition and an equalizer.

"Until today, the losing political parties have not stated that they are ready to challenge Prabowo-Gibran by becoming an opposition," he said.

Angkat hak yang dinilai sebagai hak politik, tidak lagi didengar. Sudah bulan lebih lima partai yang kalah tidak agresif. Ini sebuah sinyal partai yang kalah dalam pilpres akan menjadi koalasi jika diserga," tandasnya.

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