JAKARTA Buy new clothes to wear when Eid has become a habit for a long time. In fact, new clothes purchased every time before Eid Al-Fitr have the potential to turn into garbage.
Ahead of Eid al-Fitr, various preparations were made. Not only snacks to welcome, but also clothes to stay in touch with relatives' homes.
So, no wonder buying new clothes becomes a culture that is already rooted in Indonesian society. Malls or shopping centers are booming, filled with people hunting for Lebaran clothes. Even with the increasing number of purchases through the online shop.
In fact, according to the scholars, buying new clothes for Eid al-Fitr is not a must. In addition, new clothes that tend to follow trends have the potential to endanger the environment.
Wearing a new dress is a tradition that cannot be separated from the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. In a hadith, Rasulullah SAW advised Muslims to wear the best clothes on two holidays, namely Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
"It is narrated from Al-Hasan bin Ali RA, he said, Rasulullah SAW has ordered us on two holidays to wear the best clothes we have found." (HR Al-Baihaqi and Al-Hakim).
Regarding the phenomenon of buying clothes for Eid al-Fitr, Deputy Secretary of the Bahtsul Masail Institute (LBM) Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) Ustadz Alhafiz Kurniawan also commented through his writing entitled "The Must of New Dressing and Dressode Lebaran on Hari Raya". He explained that there are actually many possibilities for someone to buy clothes during Eid.
"The first possibility is because the clothes at home are no longer suitable for use because the children's bodies continue to grow so large that it is natural to buy clothes every year," said Ustadz Alhafiz, quoted by the NU online page.
"The second possibility is because the old clothes have faded in color, so Eid al-Fitr is a moment to change clothes to new ones," he continued.
Ustadz Alhafiz emphasized that Islam only recommends wearing the best clothes, not new clothes, let alone the uniform of the family on Eid al-Fitr.
However, if people really want to wear new clothes or uniforms on their legal holidays, it's okay as long as it's not burdensome.
Kyai Fahrur A Rozi Bululawang, Chairman of the PBNU Tanfidziyah, also said the same thing. He emphasized that there is no prohibition on buying clothes for Eid al-Fitr. It's just that he reminded that the tradition of buying Eid clothes does not interfere with finances or even cause fights that make you jealous or jealous.
"Besides, as much as I understand, this new dress tradition is only available in Indonesia. The point is whether it's new or old, there's no important problem, our hearts are pure again," he said.
It is commonplace before buying clothes, it usually has trending models, including clothes for Eid al-Fitr. So it's not outdated, he said.
However, the public needs to know that the fashion trend that has taken turns has caused the spread of new fashion clothes to take place quickly. The community also buys clothes massively to meet current things.
The industrial sector has finally offered fashion fast products that can provide a lot of demand at a relatively low price.
Citing the Waste 4 Change website, fast fashion is a concept in the fashion world that makes products as well as phase styles quickly available, ready to be used, but quickly changes.
The abundant number of models and easy prices are another characteristic of Fastfashion. The low price phenomenon with the current model certainly makes people happy and this makes the consumption pattern of these products increase drastically.
World Cleanup Day shows data that the current level of fashion consumption is up 400 percent compared to 20 years ago. Other studies show that clothing consumption levels will increase by 63 percent by 2030.
On the one hand, the increasing enthusiasm of consumers for fashion benefits clothing industry entrepreneurs. But who would have thought, behind this phenomenon there is the potential for serious natural damage that could damage the ecosystem of life.
One of the impacts of the fast fashion trend is the accumulation of waste due to increased product consumption. This waste accumulation occurs because the company produces more products than market needs.
When participating in the trendfast fashion, consumption levels of these products also increase. By always updating new models, this causes people to create old models, which end up in trash cans and cause soil pollution.
Worldcleanupday.org also said that only 12 percent of the basic materials for making these fashion products can be recycled and less than one percent can be used to make new fashion products.
Although it is not prohibited in Islam to wear new clothes during Eid, it is better to rethink before buying.
In addition to soil pollution, the fashion industry also contributes to air pollution. At least according to the United Nations, these industries accounted for 10 percent of the current air pollution. This is due to the burning of products that are not sold.
In addition, according to the United Nations, the clothing industry is a contributor of 8 to 10 percent of greenhouse gases in the world as well as a major contributor to marine pollution due to plastic waste.
Even though buying new clothes is not prohibited, it is better for Muslims to think twice before doing so. In addition to being more economical, not buying new clothes when Eid al-Fitr can also help save the environment. And, even if forced to buy, maybe you should choose a timeless model so that it can be worn longer.
In fact, Eid al-Fitr is an opportunity to improve the inner body as much as possible, not compete in clothing.
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