JAKARTA - President-elect of the United States (US) Joe Biden has launched a list of people who will lead the department of foreign policy and national security. Biden has chosen a woman to lead US intelligence. In addition, Biden also chose the first Latino to head the Department of Homeland Security.

To quote CNN, Tuesday, November 24, he is Alejandro Mayorka. Mayorka was born in Cuba and former deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He has been nominated by Biden to head the Department of Homeland Security and will be tasked with rebuilding a body that has carried out some of the most violent actions related to US President Donald Trump's hardline immigration policy.

This includes the separation of families on the US-Mexico border. Former Minister of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro, who once ran for president from the Democratic Party, acknowledged the greatness of Alejandro Mayerka. Castro himself has emerged as a prominent defender of immigrant rights.

"Alejandro Mayorkas is a historic and experienced choice to lead a body that is in dire need of reform," said Castro. "As an immigrant and creator of the DACA program, he is well suited to repair the damage Trump has done and build a more compassionate and sensible immigration agenda."

In addition, Biden selected the woman appointed to be the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines. He is a former high-ranking CIA officer and deputy national security advisor. Haines will make history if confirmed by the Senate. The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee encouraged his fellow Republicans to confirm Haines to lead the intelligence community.

"Avril is smart and capable, with a background that will serve her well as Director of National Intelligence," said Virginia Sen. Mark Warner. "While I hope he will face stiff questions from Senators on both sides, the sooner we can get a confirmed Intelligence Director to start repairing the damage that has been done the last four years to our intelligence services, the better."

Biden moved swiftly to work out his upcoming administration despite Trump's continued attempts to reject election results and complicate the transition period. Biden is also expected to appoint Janet Yellen as Minister of Finance, according to sources familiar with the election. Yellen will be the first woman to serve as Minister of Finance if nominated and confirmed.

The composition varies

The list of nominees that have been announced includes Antony Blinken, Biden's foreign policy aide, who was confirmed as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Then Linda Thomas-Greenfield to become the US ambassador to the United Nations. Additionally, Jake Sullivan will join the White House team as Biden's national security adviser.

The choice reflects Biden's desire to build a diverse Cabinet with experienced experts in public policy and deep government experience. Former Secretary of State John Kerry was selected to lead climate-related matters. Kerry is a supporter of the Paris climate accord, a landmark deal that Trump withdrew. Kerry also selected Biden to co-chair a "united task force" on climate change with Senator Bernie Sanders.

Biden in a statement described a list of confirmed cabinet members as the "core" of a team tasked with reaffirming US leadership on the global stage. So far, Trump has continued to cut off multilateral diplomacy and crush fragile pacts such as the Iran nuclear deal.

"These people are both experienced and experiencing crisis because they are innovative and imaginative," said Biden. "Their accomplishments in diplomacy are unmatched, but they also reflect the idea that we cannot meet the great challenges of this new moment with old thinking and unchanging habits or without a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. That's why I chose them."

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