JAKARTA - The police canceled another plan to conduct an investigation into an alleged violation of the health protocol (Prokes) at the wedding of Rizieq Shihab's daughter in Petamburan, Central Jakarta and laying the groundwork for the construction of a boarding school in Megamendung, West Java.

With this second cancellation, the police have yet to confirm the schedule for the title case of the case. This title pekara is an important step in the legal process to determine whether a case should go to investigation.

When it is decided to go up to the level of investigation, the police will determine the suspect in the case of alleged violation of the health protocol.

The title of the first case in this case, Polda Metro Jaya planned to do it on 20 November. But the police suddenly canceled it on the grounds that there was a collision with the inauguration of Kapolda Metro Jaya.

"The plan is for Thursday this Friday, but there is a transfer of the regional police chief, there is a handover at the Headquarters and Polda Metro with his busy schedule, so it is delayed," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Awi Setiyono to reporters, Friday, November 20.

Shortly thereafter, the police planned another case title on Monday, 23 November. But again the plan was canceled on the grounds that the investigating team was still asking for testimony from several witnesses. Originally, DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Riza Patria and representatives from the Tourism and Creative Economy Office were questioned about the case of alleged violation of the health protocol on that day.

However, there were still some parties who were not present at the invitation to clarify. For example, Syarifah Najwa Shihab and Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus, Rizieq Shihab's son and son-in-law. Their absence because they were busy with other activities.

"For now, the case title has not been implemented either at Polda Metro Jaya or at Polda West Java," said Awi.

Meanwhile, a similar case in the West Java Regional Police was also hampered. West Java Police investigators canceled the planned case because they would ask an epidemiologist and representatives from the Islamic boarding school on Tuesday, November 24.

In addition, Bogor Regent Ade Yasin, whose plan is to be questioned for this case, was confirmed to have been exposed to COVID-19. Investigators are waiting for Ade's health to improve and then carry out an examination.

"One of them is the Bogor Regent who was confirmed positive for COVID, so investigators reschedule to invite 3 other people who were not present tomorrow," said Awi.

However, the absence of a number of parties in the invitation to clarify was not a serious problem for investigators. This is because there are still other methods of obtaining evidence and looking for criminal offenses.

In addition, clarification is only to strengthen and match statements between witnesses and witnesses.

"For us to strengthen it, it is natural that the police will look for the suitability of one examination and another," said Awi.

University of Indonesia (UI) criminologist Arthur Josias Simon argued that the police could use other methods to collect evidence without going through the witness clarification process.

There are at least two ways, namely collecting documents or letters relating to events and expert statements. That way, the police can judge whether there are criminal offenses.

"Letters regarding the activities in question or permits for example. Then, expert testimony can be a strengthening factor," he said.

In fact, using these documents or letters the police can determine suspects. However, the records are still supported by other evidence, such as the statements of the mininal statements of two witnesses.

"You can, even determine who (the suspect) is if there is sufficient evidence but this is for a further stage, namely investigation," he said.

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