JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his second term of leadership continued to boost infrastructure development. One of them is the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project for Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi (Jabodebek). The government also increased the budget for infrastructure in 2021 by 47.2 percent from this year.

Yesterday, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi conducted a review to check and also test the Jabodebek LRT. Later, the Jabodebek LRT can carry 500 thousand passengers per day due to the short headway or arrival distance between trains.

With a headway of 3 to 6 minutes, the travel time from Cibubur to Dukuh Atas with a 26 kilometers (km) long route can be reached in 39 minutes with an average speed of 40 km per hour.

Meanwhile, the travel time from East Bekasi to Dukuh Atas with a 30 km route can be taken for 45 minutes with an average speed of 40 km per hour.

Meanwhile, if using a private vehicle the travel time can be 2 to 3 hours. With the Jabodebek LRT, it is hoped that the community will switch to LRT so that it can reduce congestion and be more environmentally friendly.

Budi explained that President Jokowi wants mass transportation in big cities, for this reason the development of mass transportation such as LRT requires good cooperation from various related parties. Moreover, during a pandemic, one must ensure that the construction continues and continues to observe health protocols.

As of November 6, 2020, the progress of the Jabodebek LRT phase I construction is claimed to reach 79.05 percent, with details of the Cawang-Cibubur crossing 91.77 percent, Cawang-Kuningan-Dukuh Atas 75.16 percent, and Cawang-Bekasi Timur 72.98 percent.

The Jabodebek LRT phase I construction consists of Cawang-Cibubur, Cawang-Dukuh Atas, and Cawang-Bekasi Timur, with a total length of 44.43 km that crosses 17 stations.

It is targeted to start operating in 2022

Budi said, the Jabodebek LRT trial from TMII Station-Harjamukti Station, Cibubur Roundtrip (PP) was to ensure that the construction project runs on time and can operate in mid-2022.

"Today I am proud that the nation's children build LRT with their own abilities. For example, PT Adhi Karya which has succeeded in building the track construction which has received MURI, PT LEN which has provided system support with advanced technology, and PT INKA who built the train," he said. Minister of Transportation Budi Karya, Sunday, November 15.

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The Jabodebek LRT construction project is equipped with modern technologies such as: U-SHAPED GIRDER, namely U-shaped girder technology adapted from Systra France due to its sleek design, adapting to the availability of space in Jakarta.

Then, LRB (Lead Core Rubber Bearing) which is the development of Elastomeric Bearing (EB) which functions to isolate the bridge structure from ground movement due to earthquakes.

For your information, the Jabodebek LRT construction project is one of the national strategic projects, which PT Adhi Karya began working on since September 2015 with a project value of IDR 22.8 trillion consisting of two stages of work.

The second phase of development consists of 3 cross-services, namely the Dukuh Atas-Senayan, Cibubur-Bogor, and Palmerah-Grogol routes, with a total length of 39 km across 8 stations.

World's Longest and Print MURI Records

PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI) has carried out the casting of the last long span of the Jabodebek LRT construction. This last foundry is located at Dukuh Atas station, Kuningan, Jakarta.

President Director of Adhi Karya, Entus Asnawi Mukhson, said that the construction of this long stretch set a new record and history for Indonesia. Because the LRT construction is a long span, the longest in the world with a distance of 44 km.

In this MURI record award, ADHI got 3 categories. Among them, the First U Shaped Grider Production for the rail system, the construction of a train line with the Longest U Shaped Grider structure and the heaviest Shaped Grider for the train line system without accidents.

It should be noted, the construction of the Jabodebek LRT has been delayed from the original target plan. It should be completed by the end of 2021. Land acquisition has become one of the factors behind the withdrawal of this national strategic project.

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