JAKARTA - The family of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, still has feelings of anxiety and sadness because his eldest son, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril has not been found by SAR officers and Swiss police in the Aare River, Bern City. Eril disappeared and is thought to have drowned while swimming in the Aare River on Thursday 26 May 2022.

Up to a week since Eril disappeared, the search for the 23-year-old youth continues. Various methods of searching for missing people in the river have been carried out, from walking along the shore, boating, diving, to the use of drones equipped with thermal sensors. But all efforts have not yielded results.

Support for Ridwan Kamil continues to flow, both from Indonesia and abroad. The hope that Eril will be found soon continues to grow. Starting from the joint prayers held by community elements in various cities in Indonesia, to the direct support from the Mayor of Bern, Alec van Graffenried who visited Ridwan Kamil on the banks of the Aare River on Monday morning, May 30.

Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril, son of the Governor of West Java Ridwal Kamil who disappeared in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland on Thursday, May 26, 2022. (Instagram/@emmerilkhan)

"And thank you from our family to all who have sincerely prayed and prayed together. May Allah reward all of your sincerity. Jazakallah," said Ridwan Kamil via the Twitter account @ridwankamil.

Ridwan Kamil's wife, Atalia Praratya, also asked for prayer support from the community so that the search for her eldest son would be fruitful. Atalia accompanied Eril who was looking for a university in Switzerland, to continue her education at the master's level.

But Atalia was not with Eril when she plunged into the Aare River to swim. Eril swims with her sister and one of her friends who live in Switzerland.

"Please be sincere to continue praying for Eril," Atalia wrote in her Instagram bio, @ataliapr.

Incident Data on the Aare Sungai River

Swimming in the Aare River is actually an activity that Bernians and tourists alike do when visiting the Swiss capital. Swimming in the river is a favorite activity in summer.

Even so, swimming in the Aare River cannot be called 100 percent safe. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Switzerland stated that an average of 15-20 incidents occur in a year when people drift or drown in the Aare River.

"Similar incidents, carried by the tide, approximately occur between 15-20 cases every year," said Muliaman Hadad, Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland in a press conference broadcast online, Saturday, May 28.

Water sports activities on the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland. (bern.com/aare-river)

The accident cases that are not uncommon do not reduce the public's interest in swimming in Aare, a river that has a spring source in the form of melted glaciers or rivers of ice from the Alps.

According to Muliaman, the Bern City Government has actually done a lot of anticipation to minimize the incidence of incidents in the Aare River. Installing safety signs in several parts of the river and providing information on the current condition of the Aare River through the local government website, is an anticipatory action taken.

"What is the temperature, we don't need to come because the government has submitted complete data and information. Including the estimated current which averages 180-220 m3/second," Muliaman said.

"Because this is a local custom, people usually refer to the source if they want to swim. Because not only adults, school children, toddlers, some even swim with their pets. So, I think the information is sufficient," explained Muliaman again. .

Hypothermia and Heart Failure

The water temperature of the Aare River when Eril plunged into it was reported to be 16o Celsius. These temperatures may be normal for people living in sub-tropical regions such as Europe. However, for people living in tropical areas like Eril, it is not impossible that the conditions will be different. The water temperature of 16o Celsius could be too cold.

It is suspected that Eril has hypothermia, or a decrease in body temperature that weakens his muscle work which has the potential to also stop heart function. However, Eril's suspicions of having hypothermia which resulted in him drowning cannot be concluded.

Normal human body temperature is 35.5o-37o Celsius. If the body temperature drops below that, let alone to a great extent, the risk of developing hypothermia is likely to occur. Symptoms of hypothermia are often analogous to drunkenness: drowsiness, confusion, awkwardness, and slurred speech. Physical symptoms that appear are chills and a weak pulse.

Ridwan Kamil (yellow vest) continues to follow the progress of the search for his missing son in Sungai Aare, Bern, Switzerland. (Doc. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Switzerland)

According to the Scientific American website, the body's reaction to cold water temperatures varies. The human body can still survive in 5o Celsius of water for 10-20 minutes before the muscles weaken and a person loses consciousness. But there is also someone who has experienced hypothermia in water with a temperature of 24o-27o Celsius, it's just that the time to survive can be more than 20 minutes.

There is no definite time when hypothermia will strike someone who is in the water. But in general, the colder the water temperature, the faster hypothermia will come.

May Emmiril Khan Mumtadz be found soon, and as the Ridwan Kamil Family hopes: alive.

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