JAKARTA - Putin's keywords heated up on social media Twitter after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his country to invade Ukraine. Twitter was even observed to experience overcapacity during the war between the two countries.

Putin's keywords have been published in more than 2,019 million tweets. In fact, said Ukraine, and war perched in the ranks of Twitter's trending topics. Twitter netizens also called the Russo-Ukrainian war as World War III. Uniquely, the word war is one of the words included in Indonesia's Twitter trending topics.

The hashtag #Ukraine has appeared 1.5 million times in search results about Ukraine on social media with 7.8 million interactions made by netizens.

However, behind this Russo-Ukrainian conflict, netizens still have basic questions about why Russia wants to invade Ukraine. This can be followed from the two main conversations (top conversation) on 17-21 February 2022.

Variety of Comments on Social Media

The first content from the CBSNews Tiktok account shows the strength of the Russian fleet. Russia's military mobilization is said to have reached 70 percent strength, an amount sufficient to carry out a major invasion. The content, which was uploaded on February 16, 2022, has been viewed 1.2 million times and received 70.2 thousand likes and comments from netizens.

The second content came from the Youtube account of Sahra Wagenknecht who also questioned why President Putin wanted war. The compilation of content sourced from a number of media, including Der Spiegel, has been watched 709,394 times since it was uploaded on February 4, 2022, and has received 57.1 thousand netizen interactions.

President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. (Photo: Pixabay)

The comments came from a netizen named @naa__oboshie who was worried about the fate of children and women in the conflict area while hoping that God would melt Putin's heart to stop the war.

There is no good possibility that this could happen to women and children. God, please soften Putin's heart to end this war," she said.

In addition, other netizens suggested that NATO was bullying Putin by saying that Ukraine would join NATO unless Putin stopped his invasion.

"Tell Putin that they will accept Ukraine into NATO tomorrow unless he steps down and quits immediately," said @Tlucke3.

Furthermore, another account named @thepanturas joked by saying that Putin no longer has social media, making it difficult to reprimand the Russian president.

"Putin doesn't have social media anymore, so I'm confused about how to negotiate,"

A war of opinion ensued on social media, when netizens from all over the world turned out to have different opinions and perspectives regarding the war that was taking place.

Ukrainian Army. (Photo: nein.net)

"Unfortunately, Putin's decision will also be made by America if we decide to invade Cuba and turn it against America," said the account owner @JosepborrellF.

One netizen thought that it could happen if several countries were invited to join to give their strength against their respective enemies.

"Ukraine will seek the help of NATO allies, Russia will be assisted by China and North Korea, and possibly other countries will join," said @shalawMshengu.

However, this opinion was also contradicted by other netizens who thought that the US still had interests with China, so this theory was only a small possibility.

Not a few Indonesian netizens also spilled their vents related to the Russo-Ukrainian war.

This netizen actually vented and questioned why he had to live in the era of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the pandemic

Pandemic and now war …why I am live at this era honestly..” @n3sy4 tweeted.

Ask the Avengers for Help

Netizens on Twitter are also busy calling the Avengers to save the world from World War III which is expected to explode after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is certainly a unique thing as well as unreasonable, considering that the Avengers is a collection of fictional superhero characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

However, netizens are still busy mentioning the Avengers in the midst of this tension between Russia and Ukraine.

Illustration of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. (Photo: Unsplash)

"This war issue is one reason why I wish the avengers were a real thing. Black Widow could have taken Putin down from the inside," said the @naynee** account.

However, not a few are realistic and confirm that the Avengers will not come to save the world.

"The avengers did not save Ukraine, the Avengers will not save Ukraine," said the account @YEASTY**

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