JAKARTA - The emergence of the Coalition for the Action to Save Indonesia (US) has sparked various reactions from the government camp. The politician from the party supporting the PDIP government, Kapitra Ampera, even called one of OUR demands a treasonous act. The question is whether this response signals a signal of concern from the government camp?

Various comments came from the strongholds of government supporters regarding the emergence of the US movement. PDIP politician Kapitra Ampera, for example, highlighted that the demands of the Special Session by one of the US figures, Novel Bamukmin, were treasonous.

"Now, if there is a charge like (a special trial) it is called treason activity wrapped in morals. If so, this is not correct," said Kapitra quoted Suara. According to him, the demands of the Special Session were actions that were not based on constitutional science.

Other comments came from politicians from the NasDem Party, which is one of the two parties supporting the government. He is the Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party Willy Aditya. He suggested that WE should be able to appreciate the work of the government.

"If we behave and act on the basis of mutual respect for each other's positions and roles, of course all improvements will occur. The role of critical groups like US must be respected, so should WE also respect the work done by the government," Willy told reporters.

Furthermore, the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR NasDem Faction said that the 8 points of demands sent by the US had become the focus of both the government and the DPR. "I think that almost 49 percent of OUR demands are objective and have indeed become a concern for improvement by the government. The rest can be assessed by the public themselves," he said.

Previously, WE submitted eight demands to the government. Some of these demands included dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic recession, and criticizing the oligarchy system and dynastic politics.


Political observer from the University of Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI), Ujang Komaruddin, assessed that there is concern from the government camp regarding the emergence of US, if you look at these comments. "There is worry," he told VOI.

The reason is, said Ujang, this movement could become big if it was taken seriously. If so, it is not impossible that WE can shake up the government.

"And if you get the support of the people, it will be great. If the movement is large it could shake the government," said Ujang.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, commented on the mention of treason in the movement which he said was based on morality. This is because civil movements like US are common in democratic countries.

"Gathering, unifying, and expressing opinions in public, both orally and in writing, are guaranteed by the state constitution. So it's free. Because Indonesia is a democratic country. It is not an authoritarian country," said Ujang.

As is known, the coalition consisting of several figures such as Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, Former Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Board Din Syamsuddin, Gatot Nurmantyo, to Rocky Gerung, and Refly Harun was officially declared at the Proclamation Monument, Jakarta, yesterday. They called this movement a moral movement that strives to create a prosperous Indonesian society.

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