Former Constitutional Court Judge Maruarar Siahaan Becomes Expert Witness To Actor Jin And Jun's Victory Lawsuit, Talks About TSM Violations

JAKARTA - Former Constitutional Justice Maruarar Siahaan assessed that the giving of promises in the form of entrepreneurship cards, farmers and Koran teachers is a form of systematic and massive structured violations (TSM).

"Promises like this, he is included in what is said to be structured, systematic and massive violations that are regulated in Article 73 (Law 10/2016)," said Maruarar Siahaan in a follow-up hearing of the disputed regional election results in Bandung Regency at the Constitutional Court building, Jakarta. quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 24.

Maruarar Siahaan was presented as an expert for the candidate pair for regent and vice regent of Bandung candidate number 1 Kurnia Agustina and Usman Sayogi. Meanwhile, the winner of the Regional Head Election in Bandung Regency is Dadang Supriatna-Sahrul Gunawan, who used to be actors Jin and Jun.

Maruarar Siahaan is of the opinion that the circulation of these cards has massively influenced voters. Then the election organizers who do not follow up on these violations can be categorized as violations.

According to Maruarar Siahaan, the absence of follow-up violations has resulted in the Constitutional Court being able to take disqualification, re-vote or other steps.

"The Constitutional Court is a bulwark rather than the constitution, constitutional rights, and also democratic elections, I think this is a common task of how the Constitutional Court's decision must also be a part of education to make future elections an election in the framework of consolidating democracy more consistently. and permanent, "he said.

There is also the petitioner argued that the recapitulation of vote counting by the KPU of Bandung Regency was legally flawed due to the omission of money politics which was an administrative violation of TSM that had not been resolved by Bawaslu.

According to the petitioner, candidate pair number 3 Dadang Supriatna-Sahrul Gunawan during the campaign delivered political promises and included promises of cash rewards to the public and voters in Bandung Regency. The vision and mission was conveyed by candidate number 3 and distributed in the form of billboards and other campaign props.

In addition, candidate pair number 3 is argued for using religious tools and groups of recitation mothers to carry out covert money politics with the promise of a minimum incentive of IDR 100 million per year in the form of a Koran teacher card.

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