Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the Putri Cempo Solo Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) was one of the priority infrastructure development projects carried out by the government.
"Indeed, PLTSa Putri Cempo will enter the priority point for development later. Support facilities such as hydrants and others will be very crucial," said Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Solo, Central Java, Antara, Tuesday, September 19.
According to him, with more supporting facilities, water spraying when there is a fire can be done faster.
"Yesterday I told you to make hydrants at several points, so they are easier to reach," he said.
He also hopes that the fire at Putri Cempo TPA this time will not interfere with PLTSa's production later. "God willing, no. You have to keep going, the October target is operational," he said.
Putri Cempo Solo's TPA has been on fire since Saturday afternoon. The fire, which is suspected to have been caused by the hot air, extends to 2 hectares. Until now, efforts to extinguish the fire are still being carried out by involving the Fire Department and the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).
Previously, referring to Presidential Regulation Number 35 of 2018 concerning the Acceleration of the Construction of Waste Processing Installations into Environmentally Friendly Technology-Based Electric Energy, PLTSa Putri Cempo was built because Surakarta City was one of 12 cities appointed to develop PLTSa.
Later, PLTSa Putri Cempo will process the waste in Putri Cempo's TPA to become electrical energy. It is hoped that these efforts can reduce the volume of waste in Putri Cempo's TPA.
In fact, it is possible that the production of the Putri Cempo PLTSa will be taken from garbage outside the city of Solo.
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