Police Find New Facts Of Toddler Treatment Cases In The Kalibata City Apartment
South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary/ Photo: Jehan/ VOI

The South Jakarta Metro Police held a reconstruction of the case of mistreatment of a toddler with the initials G (2.8) by the victim's mother's lover, YA (31) at the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Irwandhy Idrus said there were 31 scenes in the reconstruction. In this activity new facts were found.

"Our scene carried out approximately 31 scenes from our initial statement preparing 20 scenes. But it turns out that there are new facts," Irwandhy told reporters at the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 8.

"We found that the person concerned had gone to the 8th floor, but did not go down, we will investigate. But the position of the victim is already unconscious," he continued.

In addition, Irwandhy also said the new facts revealed were about the perpetrator who had placed the victim in one of the stalls, before finally being taken to the hospital.

"(Regarding new facts) We will deepen it again, whether there will be new witnesses," he concluded.

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