Extreme Weather, Disassembled Unload At Makassarcurrency Port
The atmosphere of loading and unloading activities at the People's Port (Pelra)astere, Makassar. Antara / Suriani Mappong

The loading and unloading activity at the People's Port (Pelra)kotere, Makassar, South Sulawesi, in early December 2022 slowed down. The weather is the cause of the activity not running normally.

"For the past three days, loading and unloading activities have decreased so that they are not as usual at the beginning of the month," said the owner of the KM Sijaya Inter-island Ship, Mustakim at Pelra

He said the last three days the ships that docked or headed for the islands were only carrying a small amount of goods. In fact, there are ships that only carry about one cargo truck from the island of the Majene region, West Sulawesi.

According to him, this loading and unloading activity is more or less influenced by uncertain weather conditions. The reason is, sometimes it is sunny suddenly in the middle of a sea of heavy rain, and vice versa.

He said, to fill the loading and unloading activities again increased, his party carried out ship maintenance while docking at the Pelrairitere pier.

According to the owner of KM Sinar Jaya Djumain, to anticipate a spike in cargo and passengers ahead of Christmas and New Year's 2023, his party must ensure the condition of the ship is in good condition and clean.

This condition is also needed to deal with weather conditions during the peak of the rainy season which usually occurs at the end of the year or the beginning of the new year.

Meanwhile, Regional Pelindo 4 Operations Division Head, Yusida M Palesang, said Pelraferee was one of Pelindo Regional 4's managed ports.

Pelra Bathere has been recognized as very important, he continued, because of its strategic position connecting the islands around the islands of Sulawesi, Kalimantan, NTB and Maluku.

Therefore, the distribution of goods, services and passengers through Pelraferee became the attention of Pellindo Regional 4.

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