TNI Members Killed Persecuted By 6 Sharp Armed Persons In Muara Baru, North Jakarta
Photo: Instagram @forumwartawanpolri

JAKARTA - One TNI member died after being tortured with a sharp weapon at Jalan Rusun Muara Batu, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Sunday, January 16, at around 03.00 WIB.

At the time of the incident, the victim was with his friend, SM, who was also a victim of abuse, but survived. The body was taken to Atma Jaya Hospital Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

The survivors were listed as residents of Kampung Utan, Jalan Kompas, Ciputat, South Tangerang. SM, suffered a number of injuries and is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital

According to witness testimony, SFB, a resident of Andihiang Village, Warunggungung, Banten Regency, at that time at around 03.00 WIB the victim and the witness were going to Pluit Reservoir Park.

At the request of the victim's friend, he asked to stop urinating. After urinating, the witness saw that the victim had fallen down and was bleeding.

The witness heard the screams of the perpetrator saying one of the areas in South Sulawesi. The perpetrator then ran away from the victim. The witness immediately contacted the victim's exit by telephone.

Quoted from CNNindonesia, Monday, January 17, the Head of Polsek Metro Penjaringan AKBP Febri Isman Jaya said that currently the police were still investigating the incident.

"Under investigation," said Febri.

It is suspected that there were six people on a motorbike.

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