MUI Kalimantan Youth Cadres Declaration Ready To Become Digital Mujahid
Photo via MUI

JAKARTA - The management of the young Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of the Kalimantan region has declared itself ready to become a young digital mujahid.

The declaration was made after undergoing the Wasathiyah Islamic Media Literacy Workshop organized by the Central MUI and the Ministry of Communication and Information, from Wednesday (23/11) to Friday (26/11). The event was held at the Golden Tulip Hotel, Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

Workshop participants are young MUI administrators from each province. There were 60 participants in the workshop.

The head of the Central Infokom Commission, Mabroer, read out the six pledges which were then followed by young ulemas from Kalimantan who were the workshop participants.

Mabroer explained that when reading the pledge, he was accompanied by MUI representatives from the provinces of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.

Mabroer hopes that the 3 day activity can make the participants become agents of digital da'wah through positive uploads and promoting the truth.

"With this workshop, a generation of young mujahid will be born who always uphold the values of Wasathiyah Islam in the digital space, both social media, video content and other digital platforms," said Mabroer in his statement, Friday, November 26.

Mabroer also mentioned that the challenges of the digital ecosystem are very heavy. Incessant fake news, hoaxes, hate speech which in fact has disturbed the public.

However, Mabroer hopes that young mujahids in the digital world must have broad scientific insight. Both in the nature of Wasathiyah Islamic literature and also supported by general knowledge.

"The young Mujahid will be able to straighten out hoax news and information," concluded Mabroer.

The digital literacy workshop held by the Central MUI Infokom with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics was carried out in all provinces throughout Indonesia. It is planned that the last activity will be held in Papua Province.

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