Hundreds Of Residents With Social Welfare Problems Suddenly Came To Taman Palem Cengkareng Mall With Civil Service Police, What's Going On?

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) took hundreds of residents with social welfare problems (PMKS) and the lower middle class to the Taman Palem Cengkareng Mall to be vaccinated.

"Today, 250 residents have been vaccinated, tomorrow 250 residents are planned. So, our target is 500," said West Jakarta Satpol PP Head Tamo Sijabat, in Jakarta, Monday 1 November, quoted from Antara.

So they will be vaccinated within the framework of the 4D program from the West Jakarta Satpol PP, namely Picked Up, Vaccinated, Given Basic Foods, and Delivered Home.

Tamo said this program was held to accelerate the government's program in distributing vaccines. The PMKS was also targeted because it is considered as a layer of society that is far from the reach of vaccination.

Tamo also chose Cengkareng as the location because the vaccine achievement in the area is still the lowest for all sub-districts in West Jakarta.

Therefore, his party together with the Lions Club are aggressively holding vaccines so that all residents in Cengkareng are vaccinated.

After being vaccinated, they will be escorted back to each village carrying a food package containing five kilograms of rice and several other basic ingredients.

At the same time, the Head of Region 3A of the Lions Club Indonesia association, district 307-A1 Sutejo Widjaja, appreciated the collaboration carried out by his party and the West Jakarta Satpol PP.

His party had previously held the same program and targeted 1.000 residents. "The first time we targeted 1000 residents a day and the second was more or less that much," he said.

As the organizer, his party ensures that today's vaccination program runs smoothly and in accordance with the provisions of the health protocol.

Sutejo hopes that this collaboration can continue so that people who have not received the vaccine can be helped.