Logistics Becomes The Company's New Core Business, Zebra Nusantara Is Ready To Change Its Name

JAKARTA - PT Zebra Nusantara Tbk (ZBRA) plans to hold a general meeting of shareholders (GMS). In the GMS, the plan to change the company's name will be announced because ZBRA is still widely known as a company engaged in transportation services.

In fact, since it was acquired by well-known businessman Rudy Tanoesoedibjo, ZBRA's business is now engaged in integrated logistics distribution with a wide network to remote areas. For this reason, ZBRA wants to strengthen the image of companies engaged in distribution and logistics in Indonesia by rebranding or changing the company name.

In the third quarter of this year, with the entry of PT Dos Ni Roha or DNR Corporation into ZBRA, this issuer posted a turnover of 30,000 percent. This proves that ZBRA's performance is helped by the presence of DNR, which in 2020 is active in the logistics and distribution of medical devices.

"We plan to change the ZBRA name because of the perception that most people think ZBRA still sees ZBRA as a taxi company. We will change this perception because we are not the old ZBRA anymore, but have transformed in terms of business. In 2020 DNR is active in the pharmaceutical/health logistics sector This is evidenced by the performance in the third quarter of this year, which saw an increase in turnover of 30,000 percent," said Director of ZBRA, Gary Tanoesoedibjo in a written statement, Monday, November 1.

In addition, rebranding is considered to be a good strategy for the ZBRA company. The company itself was founded in 1987, where of course it needs to be made more "fresh" in the market by doing a brand rejuvenate with rebranding.

"The many new competitors, the growing market, the challenges that are constantly present, make ZBRA need to transform not only from its business but from its face to maintain momentum in this changing era," said Gary.

With the rebranding, said Gary, the name chosen is expected to be a new face for ZBRA to be more easily known by the public and get the right perception in the minds of the public and can be more in line with existing developments and remain inline in the market.