Nikita Willy's Struggle To Get Pregnant Through Pregnancy Program

JAKARTA - The struggle of Nikita Willy and her husband, Indra Priawan, was not in vain. After officially getting married on October 10, 2020, finally, the star who started her debut through the soap opera Jin and Jun was declared pregnant.

Nikita Willy had to wait almost a year to get pregnant. She and her husband Indra Priawan were really looking forward to the arrival of the little one. Even Nikita and Indra were willing to undergo a pregnancy program for two times but to no avail.

Through her personal YouTube channel, Nikita said that she and her husband carried out an artificial insemination pregnancy program or another name for intrauterine insemination (IUI) at a clinic in Jakarta.

Together with her husband Indra Priawan, Nikita Willy showed the results of the test. (Instagram @nikitawillyofficial94)

This process is indeed often carried out by many people who desire to have children, including several artist couples who have done the same thing and succeeded, maybe Nikita wants to emulate it. Nikita did the injection every night until the egg in her womb was ready to be fertilized. This was reported by

Because he could not bear to see Nikita Willy inject alone, Indra tried to help and accompany her. Even though it hurts sometimes, Nikita tries to endure the pain. She believes the pain will be cured by the presence of the baby.

Indra Priawan and Nikita Willy. (Instagram @nikitawillyofficial94)

Nikita said that Indra's courage to inject her was quite romantic. “Honestly it hurts but the connection is really strong. This is something that is very romantic even though it hurts," said Nikita.

It turned out that even though the injection was done, it did not immediately produce results because very few eggs in Nikita's womb were ready to be fertilized. So Nikita had to take additional drugs again.

Nikita Willy had cried because she had to try even more. Her husband and family gave her encouragement. Nikita's patience and perseverance paid off after she tested positive for pregnancy.