Police Arrest Child Predator, Already Prey 3 Girls In Tambora, West Jakarta

JAKARTA - The Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to arrest BN alias BR (53) on suspicion of molesting an underage girl. Even though he is old, it turns out that the perpetrator who lives in the Tanah Cereal area has 'predated' three small children.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi confirmed the existence of an obscene incident carried out by an old man. The perpetrator was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Department without a fight.

"BN alias BR was secured in the Kejayaan area, Tamansari after sexually abusing several girls," said Police Commissioner Moh Faruk when confirmed by VOI, Saturday, October 30.

The disclosure of this sexual crime began with a report from the victim's parents at the Tambora Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT). Based on the report, Serse members immediately gave chase.

Officers received information that the perpetrator was in the Kejayaan area, Tamansari, West Jakarta.

"We managed to secure the perpetrators of BN without a fight. From the results of the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he had committed obscene acts against 3 girls around his residence in the Tanah Cereal area, West Jakarta," explained Faruk.

To the officers, the perpetrator admitted his actions, he said he had molested the three victims with the initials SI (6), KA (6), and AK (5). The modus operandi of the perpetrators varies. The perpetrator carried out his depraved actions against the SI victim twice. As for the victim of AK only once. The perpetrator persuaded the train victim, and took him to a quiet place around the alley while venting his intentions.

"In addition to securing the perpetrator, evidence was confiscated some of the victim's clothes when the incident occurred. For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 82 paragraph 1, Article 76e of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law no. 23 of 2002 on child protection," he concluded.