Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Asks Local Governments To End Extreme Poverty In 2024

PROBOLINGGO - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked local governments to move quickly to end extreme poverty by 2024.

"I convey the message of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to all regional governments to act quickly to immediately eradicate extreme poverty with a target of completion by 2024," he said during a working visit to launch the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS) program for small fishermen in Probolinggo City, East Java, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 29.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture said that especially extreme poverty and poor communities must be 'beaten up' from various sides and integrated, so that his party believes it can be completed as targeted by the president in 2024.

"I appreciate the steps taken by the Probolinggo City Government in an effort to improve the welfare of the city's residents, especially small fishermen in the Mayangan Beach Fishing Port area," he said.

According to Muhadjir, the Employment BPJS program needs to continue to be coordinated with the provincial and central governments to reduce poverty.

"I think that concern is extraordinary, it just needs to be coordinated later, combined with existing policies in the provincial government and also the central government," he said.

In this activity, Muhadjir also handed over assistance to 20 orphans assisted by the National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas) City of Probolinggo, symbolically handed over various aids from the government and private companies.

Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said that the Employment BPJS program for fishermen was the government's commitment to protect them.

"The government must be present through a program that we will launch and if there is a disaster, the continuity of their children until college can be guaranteed by the Employment BPJS," he said.

There were several agenda activities attended by Coordinating Minister Muhadjir in Probolinggo City, namely launching the Kronong Sharia Market and opening the title of MSME/IKM products to stimulate the economy during the pandemic, and reviewing the implementation of 2.000 vaccines for Riyadlus Sholihin and Roudlotul Malikiyah Islamic Boarding School students.