The Moment Of KPK Chairman Firli Gowes And Tabuh Bedug Bas 'Showing Bojo' In A Working Meeting In Yogya

YOGYAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, took a ride with dozens of structural officials of the anti-corruption agency in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Friday, October 29 morning.

Firli appeared in the front row of the first group. There was also the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli, who was in the second group. Nurul Ghufron and Alexander Marwata also took part in cycling.

At around 06.30 WIB, the riding participants drove from the Ngemplak Sleman Police to the finish point at the Klotok Coffee Shop, Kaliurang Street Kilometer 16, Pakem, Sleman.

The cycling event with a route of 6 km is a series of activities for the KPK work meeting in Yogyakarta which has been taking place since October 27, 2021, at the Sheraton Mustika Hotel Yogyakarta.

Arriving at the Klotok Coffee Shop yard, Firli was greeted by the music of the angklung art group 'Rajawali Malioboro'. After leading the chants with KPK officials, he then joined in beating the bass drum and singing songs entitled 'pamer bojo' and 'sewu kuto'.

After singing, he and KPK officials then ate a meal with traditional side dishes served in the stall with a rice field backdrop.

"Our activity today is to build togetherness, the KPK is proud to serve the nation. The tools or instruments we use are joint sports by riding bicycles", said Firli when met on the sidelines of the activity, reported by Antara.

The philosophy of the ride, according to him, is that the more the bicycle is pedaled, the more it moves forward. However, no matter how fast you go, you must be able to regulate and control your balance.

In this activity, Firli continued, there is also a target that must be achieved, namely finding a flag as a shared responsibility.

"In organizational life, we must have one commitment, one goal, one way of acting, one vision, and one mission. No goal can ever be achieved without a big contribution from every individual in the organization. That's the value", he said.

Firli decided that the selection of the Klotok Coffee Shop to rest the riding participants was none other than to support government policies related to national economic recovery.

"If we come and it will definitely help the people's economy. I don't think it's very luxurious, it's even very simple. I enjoy it and it's affordable. There's sayur lodeh. There's sego megono, there's fried tempeh. I ordered tubruk tea myself", said Firli.

Previously, a series of KPK work meeting activities that took place at the Sheraton Mustika Hotel Yogyakarta drew a lot of criticism, including from several former KPK structural officials who considered it unethical to hold work meetings at luxury hotels in the midst of the current pandemic situation.

Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata said the budget allocated for a series of KPK activities in Yogyakarta had been prepared from the start and would not exceed the predetermined ceiling.

"Definitely. I will confirm that and it will not interfere with the operational budget for other activities, such as enforcement activities. We have really allocated it from the start and I am sure there will be some leftover", said Alex.