Dozens Of 'Cart People' Arrested By Joint Officers From Gambir Area

JAKARTA - The joint forces of the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Dishub and the Social Service held control of Persons with Social Welfare Problems (PKMS) along Hasyim Ashari Street, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

From the observations of VOI, the shopping sidewalk aisle on Hasyim Ashari Street has become a favorite stop for the cart man when the sun goes down.

Night came, PMKS who were tired of busy making fortune during the day began to occupy the hallways of shops along the road. They unwind and rest with cardboard mats and tarpaulins.

When the PMKS were asleep, the sirens of the joint patrol car passing on Hasyim Ashari Street woke them from their dream. The PMKS were surprised when they opened their eyes there were already a number of officers who wanted to secure them.

"What's wrong, sir, where do you take me?" said Asri, one of the PMKS who was caught, Thursday, October 28, evening.

Controlling 'cart people' in the Gambir area, Central Jakarta (Rizky Sulistio-VOI)

Asri was arrested when she was asleep in the shopping aisle of Hasyim Ashari Street. With only a tarp and a thin blanket covering her body, Asri, who often sleeps on the side of the road, admitted that she was used to it.

In Jakarta, Asri does not have a permanent residence or a rented house. For her, just to eat she had to work hard. Moreover, to pay the rent, Asri can only surrender.

However, because she has to survive, Asri is forced to live in a wagon designed as a home for her. When the sun rises, Asri usually pushes a cart and looks for fortune in other areas.

Even so, Asri's existence has violated DKI Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order. In Article 40 of the regulation, any person or entity is prohibited from becoming and giving donations to beggars, buskers, hawkers, and car cleaners.

Based on the regulation, she was secured by joint officers into the Social Service car that was prepared. Later, she will be trained and given special training at the Kedoya Social Institution.

Next, the officers searched again along Jalan Hasyim Ashari in the direction of Roxy Mas and Gajah Mada. The officers again found a number of PMKS sleeping in the carts and shop corridors.

In fact, the officers also found a young PMKS couple whose woman was pregnant. With the condition of carrying a baby, PMKS was sleeping in the lobby of the shop.

Again, the arrival of the officers accompanied by the siren of the patrol car woke them both up. Then they were herded into the Social Service car for safekeeping.

Controlling 'man carts' in the Gambir area, Central Jakarta (Rizky Sulistio-VOI)

The age of the PMKS who were detained by the officers also varied. Starting from PMKS in their teens to the elderly. They were also taken to the Social Institution for data, assessment, coaching, training and job distribution.

Head of Central Jakarta Satpol PP Bernard Tambunan said tonight's activity was carried out with the three Gambir pillars.

"Tonight in the Gambir area, we are monitoring PMKS at several points where there have been complaints from the public regarding the increase in PMKS specifically in the Gambir area," he told VOI on the sidelines of the control.

The location of the search is along Jalan Hasyim Ashari in the direction of Roxy Mas and the direction of Harmoni, Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Juanda.

"Later on, we will foster 19 people who have been netted in social institutions. So tonight with three social pillars, we will conduct coaching and training. Later by the social service, a swab will be carried out. If the results are positive, they will be tested and sent to the health office through the health center. ," he said.