Pertamina Gas Subholding's Commitment To Make Arun The Central LNG Hub In Asia

JAKARTA – Pertamina Gas Subholding member, PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG) has succeeded in reloading LNG to the international market optimally.

This is a commitment by Pertamina Go Global and the implementation of the cooperation in the utilization of the LNG Tank Hub of the Arun Refinery which was signed on August 10, 2021.

President Director of PT Perta Arun Gas, Arif Widodo, said that so far his party has succeeded in loading and unloading a number of LNG cargoes owned by various parties.

“We plan to develop this business by utilizing 4 LNG tanks with a total capacity of 508,000 m3 with each tank having a capacity of 127,000 m3. This is one of PAG's very good milestones in expanding the global market network and increasing the company's value," said Arif, Jakarta, Thursday, October 28.

Arif said, after making the first shipment of LNG cargo to the international market on January 14-15, 2021, PAG again recorded the success of international shipments.

"This collaboration between PAG and its customers again proves PAG's ability as a LNG PLB (Bonded Logistics Center) manager should be taken into account as an LNG Hub Center area in Asia," he explained.

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Arun Lhokseumawe Aceh Province through the Decree of the Minister of Finance.

“PAG is increasingly actively contributing as the locomotive of the national economy and industry. It is hoped that more investors will enter Aceh Province, especially Lhokseumawe," he said.

He said, PAG is also carrying out a cooling down process for LNG ships that will carry out reloading. On average, the LNG ship loading process takes shorter than the maximum laytime.

"On the other hand, it also confirms PAG's commitment to make a special port that can serve the needs of international standard ships," added Arif.

Arif added, in accordance with the direction of the Pertamina Gas Subholding regarding Pertamina Go Global, this has become one of PAG's focuses to innovate competitively in order to continue to grow globally and compete in the international arena. “We are making our best efforts and strategy for future business development. As part of Subholding Gas, PAG plays an important role in meeting national energy needs and growth," concluded Arif.

According to Arif, all the development of business activities in the ex-asset area of PT Arun NGL, apart from being aimed at meeting the company's revenue targets, is also PAG's efforts to contribute to Aceh's economic development. "One of them is by creating job opportunities for the sons and daughters of the Aceh generation," said Arif.