SAR Team Searching For People Lost In The Muzoi Nias River

NIAS - Basarnas Nias, North Sumatra, is searching for Nasofao Harefa alias Ama Wita (57), a resident of Laowaga Village, East Lahewa District, North Nias Regency, who was lost by the current of the Muzoi River.

"The victim went missing due to the river currents as the raft he was riding with his wife overturned when it was hit by a log while crossing the river", said Public Relations of the Nias Basarnas, Asanimu Waruwu, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

From the information obtained, before being swept away by the river current, the victim and his wife took bananas across the Muzoi River in their village.

Then the bananas that had been taken from the garden were placed on a raft, and the victim and his wife rode the raft while carrying bananas from the garden across the river.

However, when they were in the middle of the journey, the raft they were riding was hit by a log that was carried by the river current, so their raft overturned and both fell into the river.

The victim's wife managed to swim to the river bank, but the victim never came to the surface. The victim's wife asked residents to help find the victim.

"Because the victim was never found after a search was carried out, the victim's family reported to the Nias SAR to assist in the search", said Asanimu.

After receiving the report, the Nias Basarnas team immediately went to the location to help find victims who had been lost by the Muzoi River in North Nias Regency.