Alleged Corruption Of School Toilets In Bekasi Now Investigated By KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has clarified several parties regarding the alleged corruption in the construction of toilets in a number of schools in Bekasi Regency, West Java.

"So far, the investigation is still ongoing. We invite the parties who are suspected of knowing about it for questioning, to clarify so there are no 'pro justitia' ones," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 26.

Previously, said Alex, the KPK received reports from the public on the alleged corruption. He also confirmed that his institution had issued an investigation letter.

"That's right, there is a public report as submitted to us and we have issued an investigation letter for verification, clarification of the parties suspected of knowing," he said.

The inquiry, said Alex, was in the context of collecting evidence. The KPK has not yet named a suspect in this case.

"We are at the leadership as long as there is no strong enough evidence, it hasn't been exposed. Later, when the Deputy for Enforcement is internal, there is enough evidence and it is exposed internally, involving investigators, prosecutors, and enough evidence is determined. Only later will it be presented to the leadership to explain what findings can be the basis for establishing someone as a suspect," said Alex.

Previously informed, the KPK reviewed reports from the public regarding allegations of corruption in the construction of toilets in a number of schools in Bekasi Regency.

"There has been verification and a review by the KPK community complaint team to the reporting community, however, of course we cannot convey the report material," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri.

In principle, said Ali, the KPK will follow up on every public report by first verifying and reviewing each public report whether it is in the realm of corruption and is under the authority of the KPK.

"If from the results of the study and studies it is found that there are indications of a criminal incident, then it is possible that the KPK will certainly take the next steps according to the applicable law," said Ali at the time.