KemenPAN-RB Supports National Police Chief's Desire To Appoint 57 Former KPK Employees To National Police ASN

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) supports the desire of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, to appoint 57 former employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as state civil servants (ASN) in the police force.

This support was conveyed by the MenPAN-RB through a letter dated October 16 with the matter of the Follow-up to Requests for Policy Determination of 57 former KPK employees to become PNS Polri. This letter is addressed directly to Listyo.

"In principle, we appreciate and support the proposal of the National Police Chief to appoint 57 former KPK employees to become ASN within the Polri environment as a follow-up to the direction and approval of the President which has been conveyed through the Minister of State Secretary as part of efforts to resolve and utilization of the competencies of former KPK employees according to the needs of the Police", reads the letter quoted on Tuesday, October 26.

With this approval, KemenPAN-RB will follow up with several notes. First, the National Police were asked to gather the employees to communicate and agree on their appointment.

Second, the National Police must first map out appropriate and relevant positions for former anti-corruption commission employees. Furthermore, the National Police Chief was asked to propose needs to the MenPAN-RB (Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform).

"The National Police Chief proposes the need or formation to the PANRB Minister as the basis for determining the need or formation by the end of October 2021", said Tjahjo in the letter.

Next, MenPAN-RB will determine needs and formations. Finally, the National Police were asked to carry out a special selection of ex-employees by involving the relevant agencies.

"The selection process, in particular, can be carried out by considering the experience and competence of the person concerned while working in the KPK environment as regulated in the National Police Regulation", the letter explained.

After completing several stages, Novel Baswedan et al can be appointed as ASN within the Police.

It was previously reported that 57 employees were declared unable to work at the KPK because they could not become ASN according to the mandate of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019 as of the end of last September. The employees include senior KPK investigators Novel Baswedan and Ambarita Damanik, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum Yudi Purnomo, KPK investigator Harun Al-Rasyid, and dozens of other names.

The anti-corruption commission argued that their inability to become ASN was not due to laws and regulations such as Corruption Eradication Commission Regulations Number 1 of 2021, but because of the results of their assessment.

Ahead of the dismissal, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, admitted that he wanted to recruit dozens of KPK employees who did not pass the TWK (National Insight Test) to become ASN Police. This wish was conveyed through a letter to President Jokowi and was approved.

The reason Sigit wants to recruit dozens of employees is that the Police need human resources to strengthen the line of action against corruption cases. Moreover, the Police are currently also focusing on handling the recovery of COVID-19.