After Being Hacked, Donald Trump's Social Media Is Threatened With Permanent Closure

JAKARTA - Just a few days ago, the social media owned by former United States President Donald Trump, TRUTH Social, has been having problems barrageously, even if it is not resolved, it will be permanently closed.

Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC), an organization that enforces open source software licensing, said Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) had violated the licensing agreement when it recently launched a test version of TRUTH Social.

The social media website runs on a modified version of Mastodon, a free and open source platform for operating social media networks such as Twitter. Anyone can use Mastodon as long as they comply with AGPLv3, the software license governing the source code.

One of the main provisions of AGPLv3 is that licensees must share their source code with all users. In no time, the trial version of TRUTH Social was launched earlier yesterday, but did not provide their source code.

Now, SFC has revealed that TMTG has 30 days to comply with the AGPLv3 rules or face the consequences.

"Those licenses intentionally treat everyone as equal (even people we don't like or approve of), but they must operate under the same rules of copyleft licenses that apply to everyone else," the SFC said in a blog post.

SFC said that TMTG should immediately make the source code of TRUTH Social available to everyone who accessed the site the previous day. If TMTG fails to do so within 30 days, TMTG will permanently lose access to the software used to build its platform.

"That's how the AGPLv3 cure provisions work, with no exceptions, even if you're a real estate mogul, reality television star, or even a former POTUS," explains SFC.

If TMTG does not comply with the request, it could face a lawsuit, "We will follow this matter very closely and demand that the Trump Group provide appropriate resources to all who use the site," he added.

It was previously known that two hours after the announcement that TRUTH would launch in early 2022, the website was then hacked. Where the site's domain experienced an outage or offline. But according to the SFC, they found no evidence of anyone illegally logging into the website. Instead, it notes that the event was the result of improper configuration.