Regent Ade Yasin Invites Students In Bogor To Resist Radical Ideology, Asks Ponpes Management To Focus On Education

BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin invited the students to play an active role in warding off deviant or radical ideologies on the commemoration of the 2021 National Santri Day (HSN) in the area.

"I invite students to play an active role in efforts to prevent the spread of deviant ideologies that can damage the basic defense of the country," he said after the 2021 HSN commemoration at the Bogor Regency Regional Secretariat (Setda) Auditorium, West Java in Cibinong, Antara, Friday, October 22.

According to him, by warding off deviant ideologies, the students contribute to maintaining a conducive situation and religious tolerance to create social piety in Bogor Regency.

He said the invitation was in accordance with the theme of this year's HSN, namely "Santri Siaga Jiwa Raga". Santri are required to be prepared mentally and physically to defend the homeland, as well as to maintain the unity of Indonesia and to realize world peace.

Ade Yasin also asked the administrators of Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) to focus more on education and coaching, so as to keep students away from radical ideologies.

"Currently, the issue of radicalism is easily spread through social media, where the news that is conveyed is not complete, only half, making people not understand and potentially mistaking the message conveyed," he said.

The chairman of the Bogor Regency Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Ahmad Mukri Aji admitted that he was ready to support the Bogor Regency Government in realizing social piety through the Civilized Bogor Karsa program.

"It is very extraordinary to prepare 1,000 hafiz of the Qur'an and Islamic boarding schools to welcome the students who not only master religious knowledge but they also master technology," he said.