Focus On Passing KPU Verification, Ummat Party Targets Top 5 Position In 2024 Election

JAKARTA - In the midst of many cadres who have resigned, the Ummat Party has focused on completing the party membership certificate as a condition for passing the verification of the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"Now we are preparing for it (KPU verification). We hope that in December-January (2021) the minimum target for members in each DPD will be met," said General Chairperson of the Ummat Party, Ridho Rahmadi, Sunday, October 10.

The party founded by Amien Rais claims to have exceeded the membership target as a condition for political parties to participate in the election.

"It's 1/1,000 of the population or 1,000 people. We believe that the Ummat Party is 1.5 times PKPU. Hopefully, there will be spares," he explained.

Ridho said that within one month the Ummat Party was forming Regional Coordinators (Korwil) in 5 clusters.

"Within a month, God willing, we will hear the data from the region. If the rumor is only 1 or 2 DPD, thank God someone has reached the target and so on," he said.

If later his party passes, said Ridho, the Ummat Party will target the top 5 positions in the simultaneous general elections in 2024.

To achieve this target, Ridho admitted that his party will target the millennial generation and generation Z aged 17-40 years. One way is to accommodate the interests and political visions of millennials and Generation Z.

"But what has not been worked on is precisely the 53-60 percent. So our narrative adjusts it. We are two-dimensional politics so that maintenance is a loyalist and then we also work on the new land, which has a lot of young generation, generation Z and the millennial generation," he concluded.