Zero COVID-19 Cases In Lebak For A Week

LEBAK - Lebak Regency COVID-19 Task Force Public Relations Officer Dodi Irawan stated that over the past week, the number of cases of the corona virus in this area was reported at zero percent, there were no increases or additions.

"We ask residents to continue to comply with health protocols and vaccinations, even though the corona case is sloping," said Dodi Irawan in Lebak, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 8.

The daily data reporting of the COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for the past week and there has been no increase or increase in cases.

Currently, the number of COVID-19 in Lebak Regency is recorded at 9,048 people, and 8,806 people are declared cured, 33 people are undergoing isolation and 209 people have died. Thus, he said, the Lebak Regency area is now in the yellow zone for the spread of the corona virus.

"We are working hard so that in the next week the cases of the corona virus continue to decline until they enter the green zone," he said.

According to him, local governments are optimizing the implementation of vaccination involving vaccinators from TNI volunteers, the National Police and the local Health Service.

They serve routine daily vaccinations to ensure the success of the government program. People come to the vaccination service post with health protocols and run in an orderly and safe manner.

In addition, people can also get vaccinations by bringing their KTP identity cards.

"We ask residents to be successful in vaccination to prevent the spread of the corona virus," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of residents came to the Lebak Regency Government Office to be vaccinated against doses of one and two doses.

"We feel relieved after being vaccinated because it can prevent the corona virus and make it a requirement to take the commuterline," said Ujang, a resident of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.