Stockpiling Fuel, Pertamina Stops The Supply Of Diesel To A Gas Station In Palu
PALU - PT Pertamina (Persero) has imposed a sanction on a public gas station (SPBU) located on Kartini Street, Palu, Central Sulawesi Province, for being involved in stockpiling diesel fuel (BBM) or the type of diesel or refueling in a modified car tank.
"The form of the sanction is a temporary suspension of the supply of diesel fuel to the related gas stations for two weeks. This means that there will be no sales of diesel during the sanction process", said Pertamina Sulawesi Regional Senior Supervisor Communication and Relations, Taufiq Kurniawan, who was contacted from Palu, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.
He explained that the sanctions imposed were based on the results of an investigation by the local police, and the results of an internal Pertamina investigation which confirmed that there was a filling of diesel fuel into the modified tank of one of the cars with an amount that exceeded the standard capacity.
Then, the evidence was corroborated by a video recorded by a police officer on Tuesday, September 21, and the video was widely circulated on social media.
He said the sanctions were imposed by Pertamina to provide a deterrent effect, so that similar incidents would not be repeated either at the gas station or in other places, because such actions would certainly violate the rules as stipulated in the agreement between Pertamina and the distribution agency.
"Of course, this incident becomes our evaluation material, in order to provide comfort to consumers who use Pertamina products", said Taufiq.
He appealed to gas stations not to take actions that could trigger violations, and for residents who see violations or fraud occurring at gas stations, report them to Pertamina through Cell Center 135 as evidenced by photos or videos to be used as material for Pertamina to follow up on public reports.
In addition, he also invited the public to be wise in using Pertamina's products, be it fuel or subsidized LPG.
"The public should not hesitate to report to us if they see the gas station abusing their authority", said Taufiq.
He added that in 2021 Pertamina had allocated more than 167,377 kiloliters of biodiesel type fuel for Central Sulawesi, and the realization of distribution until September this year was at 75 percent.
"We have coordinated with the Palu City Government, the local police in the context of supervising gas stations, including handling the long queues that often occur at gas stations", said Taufiq.