TNI-Polri 76th Anniversary, National Police Chief: TNI-Polri Synergy Is Absolute In Facing Various Problems

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo conveyed his greetings on the 76th anniversary of the Indonesian National Army (TNI). Sigit stated that the TNI-National Police (Polri) synergy must be maintained to deal with various problems in Indonesia.

"I, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the Chief of the Indonesian National Police and the extended family of the Indonesian National Police, wish you the 76th Anniversary of the TNI. I hope that the TNI will become more professional, disciplined, militant, and humble and can always guard the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia towards Advanced Indonesia. United, fight, we will surely win for a strong Indonesia, Indonesia growing," said Sigit in his statement, Tuesday, October 5.

"TNI-Polri solidity and synergy are absolutely necessary as a source of strategic strength in order to face various challenges in the future which are increasingly complex," he continued.

One form of synergy and solidity between the TNI-Polri is to be at the forefront in dealing with the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various activities were carried out together, starting from mass vaccination to monitoring the implementation of health protocols (prokes).

"In the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, the TNI and Polri are one of the main pillars, in various efforts to control COVID-19, starting with the enforcement of 3M health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance), strengthening 3T (Tracing, Testing, and Treatment). ) and accelerated vaccination," said Sigit.

Throughout 76 years of working in Indonesia, Sigit emphasized that the TNI has always been loyal to being the front line to maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), from all forms of threats.

"From various threats that come from within and outside the country with professionalism, loyalty, and dedication, the TNI is always present in guarding and maintaining the defense of the NKRI territory, both on land, sea, and air," said Sigit.

The National Police Headquarters took the time to surprise him by bringing a birthday cake and giving it to the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto at his office at the Merdeka Barat Sub-Department Denma TNI Headquarters, Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.

Receiving the surprise, Hadi stated that as long as he served as Commander in Chief, he always received support or other forms of synergy from the ranks of the Police.

"At the end of my service at the 76th anniversary of the TNI, I would like to thank the police for their cooperation and synergy. During my 4 years as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, I have been fully supported by the Police," said Hadi.

In addition, Hadi emphasized that although he will soon enter his retirement period, in the future the TNI ranks will continue to work together and maintain the existing solidity that has been good so far with the Police.

"And I hope that at the end of my service, my juniors will continue what has become the commitment between the TNI-Polri while maintaining the synergy between the TNI-Polri. With our synergy, the TNI-Polri will unite, fight, we will definitely win," said Hadi.